
Why is the CPS prosecuting Nigel Gresham for the death of his children, hasn't he suffered enough already?

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What possible good is going to be served by this? It appears that this was a terrible and tragic accident whoevers fault it was. How much more can this family go through?




  1. Well, if he was riving recklessly, then a crime was committed that resulted in the deaths of four innocent people. Why should he get a free pass because they were his own children? If he had killed four children in another car, people would be calling for his head. Suggesting he has suffered enough already is like the criminal charged with murdering his parents who asks for leniency because he is now an orphan.

    Note, I don't know if he was guilty, but I see nothing wrong with a trial when four people are dead.

  2. What did he do or not do then?

    Is this the quad bike man who took his kids out on a road ?

  3. I couldn't find a site that spoke of prosecution, so I can't really comment.  Do you have a source?  The latest report I could find only talked about them impounding the vehicle and questioning other people on the road, not what they had found.

  4. In the eyes of the Law there is no such thing as an accident.Emotions don't come into it either

  5. "Hasn't he suffered enough"  Right.

    IF he broke the law then he needs to be punished according to the law.  Like the McCanns they broke laws but "havnt they suffered enough?" - no.

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