
Why is the California Supreme Court do close minded about home schooling?

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Is their claims to be defenders of diversity ingenuous or a convenient way of making society more to their liking




  1. Lenin believed it axiomatic to Marxism to  inculcate children as quickly as possible.

  2. Because it hates free people doing what is best for their children.  Socialists.

  3. You are not even close.  The case of which you speak is in a division of the California Court of Appeal, not the Supreme Court.  Rehearing was granted in that case, so it is not even authority itself at the moment.  The ruling in that case was based upon a law passed by the Legislature requiring that teachers be certified, with no exception for home schooling, and the court was just applying the law as written.

  4. They found like one person that was being abused and so called home schooled, but was not, so now they think everyone that is home schooled should not be. The liberals in the supreme court want full control over us in everything we do. Does the term "Big Brother" sound familiar?

  5. I don't see a reference to a specific case.

  6. Might have found guilty

  7. There's also the money issue to consider - the more that homeschool, the less there is a need for public school funding, the more empty seats in the classroom.

    Freedom of choice is what this is about as well.

    Admittedly, there are those who don't do homeschooling the way it is intended to be done - but they are the minority and not representative of the majority of homeschoolers.  Are we also losing our democratic view of things here?

    Thanks for the Q :)

  8. Absolutely, what BETTER WAY to put into the bright minds of our children their socialistic agendas.  

    This is a travesty to ban "home schooling" in California or in any other State in our Country.


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