
Why is the Democratic nominee always a lawyer?

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Just curious. Republicans come from a variety of backgrounds-but Democrats always chose lawyers--at least for the last 28 years.




  1. Cause when you work in government you have to deal with a lot of, you know, laws.

    Hence, lawyers are the logical choice to write and interpret these laws.

    Unlike Repubs, who seem to think this should be done by failed oil executives and washed up actors.

  2. See what happened to John Edward, that ambulance total disgrace. What skeleton does Obama have in his closet?

  3. Because..........What do you call 8 lawyers buried up to their necks in sand.............Not enough sand............    Unctuous, nice word, marry me Princess Catfish

  4. Johnson and Carter were not lawyers.  Go back to your research

  5. lawyer means highly educated and greatly familiarity with laws of the country and the system of government...something I am sure you and those like you don't like. You prefer people who talk without knowing what they are talking about and sell a bunch of hogwash to people who think education is a bad thing.



  6. Lawyers are just unctuous enough to appeal to the base...

  7. Republican for rich people who has multimillion's businesses and few houses and earn 5 millions annually

    McCain's Million Dollar Parking Lot

    So not only does John McCain have at least 10 properties he can't remember, but he also owns a parking lot in Phoenix Arizona worth between $1.4 and $2.4 million. That's over $1 million more than the average American home.

    It's no wonder McCain has said time and time again that the "fundamentals of the economy are strong." He's living in the land of affluence, and has no concept of just how terrible our economy has become under President Bush. According to the U.S. Census, 37.3 million people were living in poverty in 2007. 45.7 million (15.3 percent of the population) don't have health insurance—a staggering number that has risen by 6 million since Bush took office in 2001. And yet McCain extols Bush's economy and proposes his own policies that would sink our country further into debt.

  8. Well, because they need someone who can sell Liberal c**p with a straight face.  

  9. Because lawyer can spin the best lies and make you think you did it instead of them

  10. Because you have got to be knowledgeable about the constitution in order to dismantle it.  

  11. B/c they are the best liars around!

  12. Most politicians are lawyers.  

  13. Because only poor people and elitists are Democrats. Do you want to elect a poor person?

  14. To effectively sell the lies of the Democratic party you need professional training similar to that given attorneys.  No training is needed, given the depth and truth underlying Republican and conservative policies, to sell the opposing message.

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