
Why is the Denver Media the only ones to witness a Alien Video tomorrow?

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Jeff Peckman, who is pushing a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver to prepare the city for close encounters of the alien kind, said the video is authentic and convinced him that aliens exist.

“As impressive as it is, it’s still one tiny portion in the context of a vast amount of peripheral evidence,” he said Wednesday. “It’s really the final visual confirmation of what you already know to be true having seen all the other evidence.”

When Peckman went before city officials this month to discuss his proposed ET initiative, he promised to show the video.

Peckman said the general public will have to wait to see it because it’s being included in a documentary by Stan Romanek.

“No one will be allowed to film the segment with the extraterrestrial because there is an agreement in place limiting that kind of exposure during negotiations for the documentary




  1. My my Colorado must be proud.

    Anyone with that much white in their eyes needs watching.

    Lets face a little reality a being that can jump space and time to get here is going to sit in a ship while waiting for us who can bearly get along with one another.

    Is going to wait for 1 guy to show his flim???

  2. Because Denver is a long way from Washington, DC.

    If you follow the things seem to be most significant in this campaign (Clinton's RFK remark, Obama's clingy remark, Rev Wright's anti-American remarks), you'll understand why no alien will ever ask to be taken to our leaders.

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