
Why is the English and grammar on Yahoo answers so poor?

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I do not expect perfect grammar, but it's so poor on a lot of these questions that you can't even figure out what they are trying to ask.




  1. Some people in the world lack intelligence.

    It's pretty annoying, I just skip over questions that completely ignore rules of spelling or grammar.

    And don't vote on answers that ignore the rules either.  

  2. Maybe theres lazy, or in a hurry.

  3. They don't know how to write a coherent sentence.

    English is not their primary language.

    They truly don't care.

  4. I wondered that too. Even with the spell check to the right, people still misspell words, so I just think that they really don't care or they are in another country and the way they type is the way they speak.

    Who knows? lol

  5. bcuz dei wryt lazi wen onlyn i no i h8 it 2!!!!1111111111

  6. Many people who answer on Yahoo Answer do not come from English speaking countries so it is difficult for them.

  7. well technically its computer slang, if you know english then you can read the abbreviations like ppl or idk or yw, ty, omg, etc...and its not an important document so it doesnt matter really.....

  8. wut is grammer??

  9. don't forget that many of the people on here have English as their second language, so you should be tolerant of them as they are doing their best and mostly doing very well.

    but many people are native English speakers who have never learned their own language properly. It's sad. You could blame the teachers, but I blame the parents, who presumably didn't encourage their kids to read and write from a young age. Literacy has to start young - before school.

  10. I agree and disagree with you. ont go checking to see if they have all most perfect grammer just answer there questions!

  11. I absolutely agree with you. People should be more careful so that the rest of us can at least understand what they want to know. Not just that, but when I see statements with a question mark after them (such as "I went out last Saturday?" or "My best friend was mean?"), and they are not questions at all, it makes me not even want to read the rest of the question sometimes.

    I'd like to point out for BaDDestB and others, hopefully also the moderators on this site, that the spell checker here is ridiculous and infuriating. It calls some correct spellings wrong, seizes on parts of words that are correct when you finish typing them, and in general creates a lot of distraction for very little benefit.

    I try to avoid even looking at spell check notices now, as well as the nasty little notice that says it looks like I have a lot of punctuation. Even typing a dash seems to bring that one on!


  13. I think because a lot of them are typing as they would text messages.

    Also because some of the people who post here do not speak English as their first language. In addition some people are typing so fast

    they miss out words and by failing to read over what they have

    typed don't realize they have made a mistake. I am guilty of this myself. Lastly, some of them just have no idea what is proper grammar.  

  14. The majority people that are insightful, grammatically correct, and intelligent are all too busy at their respective jobs to post on Yahoo! Answers.

    All that leaves us with is these "morans."

  15. Haw Haw Haw. Not all of them are good in "inglesso" sweetie pie !. :)

    Beside many of them write as if they were talking with somekind of "slang" or "style" that only they knew.

  16. Many of us write the way we speak. It's also easier to write without paying too much attention to spelling and grammar. Why do you think there's even a spelling b contest in the USA?

    Many people using the yahoo Answers site are probably still in grammar school.

  17. Because the people writing the questions and responses don't care. They expect people to ignore it.

  18. Because some of us are not native English speakers, and are learning English by asking and answering here, so please respect us.

  19. It is my belief that people are generally lazy. Because YA is not "formal", standards of grammar and spelling drop.

  20. cuz we are righting online answers and question not essays for school : )

  21. becuz its not an essay its y!a where you can blahhhhhhh

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