
Why is the F-16 fighter aircraft still the most superior air cavalry machine of its day?

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- trust not all in your trust in artificial intelligence. -Masrter Obi Wan Kenobi




  1. You need to be a little more upadated if you are seriously involved in writing such stuff.

    FYI, the F-16 is not the most superior of anything in these days. It was never an air cavalry machine. It was a fighter, a good one in it's days and those days were in the last millennium. And it is towards the end of the last millennium that the Army Air Corps got changed into USAF.

  2. You sure the F-16's good? I seriously doubt so. It's kind of like a cheaper version of the F-15, and the F-15 Strike  Eagle series ROCKS!

  3. F-16? AIR CAV??? You're kidding, I hope.

    Note: F-16's an Air Force plane, boy. Air Cav is Army. The closest thing we had for support were A-10s. 1/6 Air Cav had Cobra gunships before they got AH-64s.

  4. Your question is just plain baseless in MANY ways.

    Your post makes you appear misinformed and unable to do a little research at your elementary school AT BEST.

    The perception of MOST readers is going to go downhill quickly from there.

    From reading your other questions, I sure wouldn't take you seriously.

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