
Why is the FDA approving foods that have carcinogens and what can we do about it?

by Guest57661  |  earlier

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Why is the FDA approving foods that have carcinogens and what can we do about it?




  1. The FDA approves only foods that are statistically unlikely to hurt anyone when consumed in "normal" quantities. NOTHING is 100% safe and never has been.  Most claims of "carcinogenic components in our food" are alarmist e-mail hoaxes designed to sell something.

    Think about it, almost all food products contain dihydrogen oxide*, which (every year!) kills dozens of people who have inhaled it! Should they ban all foods containing it?

    What you can "do about it" is get a grip on reality and statistical relevance.  The fact is, you ARE going to die.  And it is astronomically unlikely to have anything to do with an ingredient in food...

  2. The FDA is not about health.  The FDA is about assisting manufacturers of food a way to allow them to distribute food that complies with standards established to satisfy politicians whims.  It is not easy to be healthy in America today and big money, power, is what drives the system, not Health.

    All one has to do is look at all the recalls to realize that something is not right in Washington.  

    The food industry has more revenue than ALL of the corporations in America combined, including oil and drug companies in that statement.  The "food pyramid" was bought and paid for by the food industry to promote junk.  Profit drives the industry, not Health.  Do you actually believe that food additives are their for your health?  Do you think that radiating foods does not change their structure?  For a food to sit on a shelf for months and years before consuming is ludicrous, yet the FDA has no problem with this because those foods do not kill someone.  The FDA is an extension of the food industry problem.  Why do you think that America is the only country in the world that allows GMO food to be sold without any labeling?  The head of the FDA is an ex-Monsanto executive and over 50% of all the employees of the FDA are ex-Monsanto employees.  Monsanto is the leading company promoting the GMO junk that is greatly affecting many Americans negatively.  Not labeling it GMO prevents ANYONE from tracing the source of a problem back to the manufacturer.  Very clever manipulation of laws and the FDA machinery.  So, no traceability means NO law suits.  Only in America.

    Go to: and view a 2 year study on mice that shows over 100 mice that were subjected to aspartame to see what happens to them.  This was an unbiased report and experiment performed by an ordinary citizen that wanted to see first hand what happens to mice fed that junk.  The FDA has all this information and still allows it.  Does that sound like credible science in action to protect the public or "big money doesn't talk, it screams."

    Last year, over 10,000 to 20,000 people died of illegal drug use on the street.  We lost about 1,000 soldiers in Iraq.  Those statistics sound bad, don't they.  They are bad.  But wait, last year 106,000 people died in American hospitals from Legal Drugs that were correctly prescribed by doctors to patients in hospitals for the ailments the drugs were designed to help!  Does that sound like our "WAR ON DRUGS" is directed at the right people?  

    In 1946, the FDA and two drug companies caused Congress to convene a hearing on how to deal with Cancer.  The outcome was that Cancer research and cures could only be a result of Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Surgery.  All other forms of medical solutions were not to be recognized as credible.  We now have experienced 60 years or so of Chemotherapy solutions and using a 5 year survival rate, only 1.4% of ALL breast cancer patients survive using chemotherapy.  Just a little over 1 person in 100 survives more than 5 years.  Does that sound like the medical profession has a good solution to this problem?  Just imagine how people suffer through that torture and it is now known that NOT getting the chemo, people have a much better chance of survival, yet, the FDA will not recognize any other form of treatment.  Oh, yes, in that 1946 congressional hearing, Max Gerson, a well known physician that was an army surgeon was getting over 50% success rate with his cancer patients using a method other than the 3 allowed by the FDA.  He was precluded from promoting his simple method of dealing with cancer, thanks to the FDA and Congress.  Simply amazing.

    The FDA is not the source to listen to when it comes to food choices and it becomes important for each one of us to look way beyond the FDA to learn what is good and bad for us.

    good luck to us all

    In 1905, about less than 5% of ALL Americans were chronically ill, according to the 1905 CDC report.  In 2005, just 100 years later, over 53% of ALL Americans are chronically ill according to the same CDC.  Does that sound like progress?  Over 26% of ALL Americans are pre-diabetic or diabetic.  Cancer is Number One Killer in America with Heart Disease competing for that number one spot and STROKE being number 3 now.  1921 was the first year a Myocardial Infarction was recorded in America.  Has the FDA helped us?  Look at the billions being spend on drug companies looking for a Cancer cure, yet there are many cultures in the world where Cancer is non-existent.  Just imagine what could be done with just the $1 billion dollars collected for "Jerry's Kid's" that has resulted in a huge waste of time and money with no cure in sight.  Think of the $15 billion dollars given to Africa for Aids.  Where did that money go and was any cure found?  

    Instead of continuing on the path we are going, why doesn't the FDA look at real problems and come up with real solutions instead of supporting and promoting the insanity?

  3. The FDA is doing this because they're too worried about drug abusers on the street, using drug products in a negative way. They SHOULD however, be looking into the c**p company put into their food.

    The FDA believes that they "don't have time for this sort of thing" because they said most drugs are harmful than the stuff they put into the food...Yeah, right. They're all in for the money; as long as people don't know what they're eating from these type of products, it'll keep the economy rolling in the way our government wants to see it, even if it means lying to it's own people.

    I personally hate the FDA because they always turn the other cheek when citizens complain about a food company that is essentially "killing" the populace with their synthetic food.

    However, they can't be blamed for everything. It's up to YOU to read the ingredients and make sure they're not putting any kind of junk in the food that would otherwise damage your body. I suggest buying all organic. There's this one supermarket called "Whole Foods" which is growing immensely fast in the natural products industry.

    Try to buy from this store, as it will not only get the government's attention, but will hopefully put down the corruption and bribery that they have going up at the FDA.

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