
Why is the GOP changing it's views so radically?

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I thought that drilling in ANWR was a central issue for the upcoming election. It also sounds like they're agreeing with Al Gore on global warming. What's with this sudden 180 on key issues and do McCain supporters agree with these new stances?




  1. the U.S. needs to change it's image abroad. We have to get rid of the ' we can do what ever we want with out regulation.  Everyone else follow regulation.' So i think this is one way of changing our image. We are saying that we too will do our part in helping the enviroment.  Plus, they want to push drilling b-c it shows an active approach to fixing the oil issue. what people don't realize is that this actually means nothing for our short term oil issue and will be costly.  

  2. I don't know how many elections you've watched so far, but platform committees are not relevant. There's always a party platform, but nobody reads it, nobody refers to it. People vote for the man and what he campaigns on.  Often the official platform developed by the committee at the convention is way off.

    If McCain wins, his administration will be dominated by the oil industry as much as Bush's is.  He will support oil wars, drilling in ANWR and offshore just as Bush does.  In fact many of his advisers and policy makers will be the same people.

    The platform committee is just trying to steer clear of stuff the Democrats can use against them.  Offshore drilling, for instance, is incredibly unpopular on the west coast, which is why Bush's dad banned it in the first place (after trying hard to sell it after the Exxon Valdez disaster).

  3. Yeah but they are also becoming more fascistic about illegalizing abortion no matter what the woman's circumstance: health, rape or trauma.

  4. Drilling in the ANWR is not a central issue but one that should have been addressed 30 years ago, and we still should be drilling there. We don't agree with Al Gore on anuything, those that think there is global warming  drink kool-aide! No such thing!

  5. Man, I don't know how the h**l you came to the conclusion you did reading that.

    Your reading comprehension teacher should be stripped naked and pummeled with rotten tomatoes while running down the street with a bird cage on her head for what she has done to you.  

  6. LOL, it's almost comical how they criticize Obama for some of his stances, and then turn around and take them

  7. They are trying to win over the more moderate voters.

  8. Because the perverse logic of American politics dictates that it is better to have a candidate in office who is of the same party instead of standing firm on issues.

    I stand firm on the idea that the only way to rectify what is wrong with American politics is to follow this recipe: dig a pit, get some bullets and politicians and add together, sprinkle on lime to taste.

  9. If you think it's somehow "sudden" that McCain has a left-leaning bent on many things, then YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO A d**n THING HE HAS DONE SINCE HE BECAME ARIZONA'S ONLY "REPUBLICAN" SENATOR 30 YEARS AGO.

    If you had been, it would come as no surprise to you that McCain is and has been interested in taking the Republican party a little further to the left.  That's why all this "McSame" stuff is just b.s.

  10. I don't think they have: "Members of the GOP platform committee voted Wednesday to "stick" with an energy plank that doesn't mention drilling in the refuge"..

    The word "stick" is key and indicates no change is being made..

  11. Why? Because...

    "Republicans are putting John McCain's presidential prospects above their wish to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. "

  12. They want to get behind McCain. While that is stupid not to push the not drilling for more oil.

  13. Because when it all comes down to it repubs and democrats aren't all that different. They talk differently but do the same stuff.  

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