
Why is the GOP so darned soft on Captialism?

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You know the standard neocon drill: Close the factories, take the average working person's job, outsource all the work to Asia, while maintaining the management and owner's salaries intact and inviolate. A lot of that has happened on Republican watches since Grampy McReagan pulled into DC 28 years ago on a promise of "Change" that -- SURPRISE!!!! GOTCHA!!!! -- simply grew the rust belt, disarmed and defanged the Middle Class, and grossly enriched the stockholders worried more about the bottom line than human lives involved in work, as befits geriatric ultra-conservative Hollywood Royalty.

Why are Republicans so darned soft on Capitalism?




  1. Someone needs to look up capitalism. It is not government controlled!! It is free market system controlled.

    Factories close when they can not compete. Usually to move jobs where corporate tax rates are lower than here in the U.S. or to Avoid the corporate socialism of union.

    Stop taxing businesses and limit unions power and we'll all be fine.

    Oh, almost forgot. Liberals regulating the life out of our private sector does not help us compete with others that don't live under your socialist ideals.

  2. Simple-capitalism is what made this the greatest country on earth and it will ALWAYS be preferable to socialism.

  3. What you have brought out is a damned good reason to stop unfettered capitalism.

    When I first heard of deregulation, I bought into the pitch that it would increase competition, drive down prices and everyone would be happy.  Now I know how much that was wrong, from being far too complicated, to driving up prices because profit has become king, to eliminating markets because they are no longer profitable which end up s******g the people.  

    The greed of shareholders is like a cancer on the people.  They want a quicker and better return on their investment, thus the CEO's to boardrooms have removed the people and the workers in favor of the few.  It seemed in the past, we had some ethics, now it seems all we have is greed.

    Here is the reason the republicans are soft on capitalism in the most simple terms possible.

    Republicans = Money first, People second

    Democrats = People first, Money second.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  4. Interesting question especially since many of them are working class and their policies are most destructive against themselves. As 95% of the folks vote the way their Fathers vote, I believe it has todo with drunken fathers, after beating their wives, beat the bejeezes out of the kids instilling the neocon vote. Maybe mis-directed 'admiration' for the tall poppies that place the greatest burden on the tax payers. Seriously, I do not know.

    I have often wondered if it was a physosimatic disorder needing therapy. Why vote counter-productive to your own and your countries best interests? I don't know.

    They usually screech a lot about a 'free market' system which I can really get into but as practiced in America it is just an 'upside-down' socialist system where the risk is removed at tax payer expense, competency/market forces are negated at tax payer expense, and the worker/tax payer is expected to carry the operating expenses without sharing in the gains. Special Interest Groups have just brainwashed them into their self-destructive behavior. A system where the greed & cooruption is more honored than the economic health and democratic values of the Nation does not make much sense. A truly Free Market with risk (where they invest rather than the tax payer), live or die by their own sword (instead of bailouts),  would make us a much stronger country.

    Credit where due, quite the trick getting a government of the people, by the people to send all the tax dollars to the top while keeping the 'people' divided & fighting, and then givng them the power of the vote - Hitler would be proud - they build their own prisons at their own expense and then march into the cells.

    Historically, corporatism or corporativism (Italian: corporativismo) refers to a political or economic system in which power is given to civic assemblies that represent economic, industrial, agrarian, social, cultural, and professional groups. These civic assemblies are known as corporations (not necessarily the business model known as a 'corporation', though such businesses are not excluded from the definition either). Corporations are unelected bodies with an internal hierarchy; their purpose is to exert control over the social and economic life of their respective areas. Thus, for example, a steel corporation would be a cartel composed of all the business leaders in the steel industry, coming together to discuss a common policy on prices and wages. When the political and economic power of a country rests in the hands of such groups, then a corporatist system is in place.

    Some analysts have applied the term neocorporatism to certain practices in Western European countries, such the Proporz system in Austria.[1] At a popular level in recent years "corporatism" has been used to mean the promotion of the interests of private corporations in government over the interests of the public.

    So in the end maybe the issue is the abduction, perversion,  & convulution of our Capitalist sytem into Corporatism by Special Interest Groups supported by the Republican Party.

    Paraphrasing T. Jeffererson - when a government no longer serves the best interests of its CITIZENS, it should be disbanded.

    So if you feel like you are swimming against the current, particularly, maybe you are just in a pond where your government  is working contray to your needs and it's best interests because it's been hy-jacked. While other governments are working, at least in part for their constituents - could explain our steady losing of ground in competition w/industrialized nations and 'who' gets the cover in globalization.

    Our trade policies (NAFTA, etc. & imbalances w/China) in the globalized world do not cover or work for the citizen-end, yet they cover the top-end very nicely. Coincidence or plan? This can be CHANGED  Our laws, tax structures, and legislation are not in the best interests of the citizen/tax payer – yet we ALL know who gets the ear of our elected officials. And yet the GOP gives it to them.  This we can CHANGE!

    Some of the ignorant need to look up Capitalism - when a Bear Stern collapses from incompetent & criminal leadership doing great damage to the country's economy, the citizens, and those that played by the rules - does not deserve $30 BIllion dollars of tax payer dollars while paying the criminals that did the damage millions of then tax payer dollars in bonuses. EXXON does not deserve $40 Billion tax payer dollars in 'tax relief' nor require the tax payer to subsidize their drilling/building costs. In a Free Market the companies live or die by that sword.Grow up.

    We supposedly offer the lowest tax rates in the world because we do not support those 'socialist' programs which benefit people that other industrialized nations do - almost forgot.

    This country needs an e***a - and a CHANGE! C'mon November.

  5. I guess you don't know what capitalism is. Republicans are for a free market, where companies can do whatever they like within the borders of the law - there's no obligation for the companies to act in the common interest of the country. As they usually want to save money on labour, most companies tend to outsource production.

    And just to further the discussion of "acting in the best interest of the country" - if government, as I suspect you want it to, should ever begin to interfere with and regulate companies in order for them to act according to what's best for the collective, we, by default, have a fascist state. Fascism, also called corporatism, is the concept of always putting the needs of the state or the common good of the collective above that of the individual or companies.

    Republicans aren't soft on capitalism - they enhance it by protecting it as what is is; free and non-fascist.

  6. Its called economics.  Ask your bank manager.

  7. They talk capitalism but they practice facism.  They intimidate the public by accusing you of being a socialist or a protectionist if you don't believe in corporate control of government.

  8. Good question. The GOP has trumped up the "culture war" which enables them to hide their filthy economic undercutting of We The People behind a facade of gibberish about "family values". Classic magician's misdirection.

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