
Why is the German government supporting the Seige of Gaza?

by Guest64847  |  earlier

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Is there some kind of jewish guilt thing that would prompt your government to support this latest Zionist atrocity? And how you as ordinary Germans feel about it? Merkel is so philosemitic she might as well move to Tel Aviv.




  1. I'm German, and as to my knowledge, our govt's official intention is not to support the Israeli siege of Gaza; but they sent  reconnaissance planes and warships down there during the Israeli-Lebanon struggle. Now, what can I make of that? They waste my taxes for supporting unjustful wars. And it's not only Israel and the "Gaza strip", it's Afghanistan and Iraq, too.

    "Von deutschem Boden wird nie wieder ein Krieg ausgehen."

    ("There will never be a war again started from German soil.")

    Yes. I believe in that, but I see the contrary.

    "Die Deutsche Bundeswehr ist eine Verteidigungsarmee."

    ("The German army is a defense army.")

    Rule of the constitution.

    "Deutschlands Freiheit wird am Hindukusch verteidigt."

    ("Germany's freedom is defended at the Hindukush.")

    Peter Struck, minister of defence and commander-in-chief of the Bundeswehr.

    Now, what was it about Gaza? You see, no one really cares about the Palestines. Business is more important than the death toll, on any side.

  2. Yes, you are absolutely right Germans are made to feel guilty about something that happened 75 years ago.  Germany is up to this date is forced to pay  Jews reparation money,   I went to a German school.The German education and the media leaves nothing concerning Hitler uncovered. Almost every year in whatever subject the Germans are reminded one way or the other of what happened to the Jews. if you ask the most ignorant German or the most ignorant person in any part of the world, anything about the n**i regime he or she can amazingly recall statistics about how many Jews died, the exact dates and terms used for each event, how they had to give up their property, about the Star of David  they had to wear, the crystal night, the suffering of Jews in concentration camps, what happened in the Diary of Anne Frank as if history stops there.   Media and propaganda is a way to ideollogically occuppy people's mind, once you do that you are half way of winning the battle.

  3. Germany does not pay anything to israel any more due to ww2. In the 50s, Konrad Adenauer signed a contract which payed israel a one-time "donation" of about 3.5 Billion Deutsch Mark (mostly food and fuel). In addition germany paid money to those ones suffered from the Holocaust.



  4. Down with the Zionist entity!!!

  5. I'm not actually german, I'm british, but I'm living in germany at the moment (and my mum's german....) I'm studying here.

    Just wanted to say something about the guilt, which I think even younger people have (who were born a good 40 years after the war... ) I think they are raised wih so much guilt about it, it affects the people's freedom of speech - as soon as anyone even slightly critisizes Isreal or Jewish people they are branded anti- semetic and then of course n**i's, which normal people obviously don't want.

    There is a tattoo shop in the small town were I'm living, and a couple of weeks ago there were flyers all over town, denouncing them as neo-n***s. Because they drew tattoos of the 3rd reich (ss soldiers, the eagles, etc - no hakenkreuz though).

    The thing that I thought was really, if people go to a tattoo parlour they are going to get what they want tattood on them, they do all sorts of things normal chinese symbols, flowers, butterflies, piercings, etc and I've seen all sorts of people in there punks, emos, hippies and I thought it was mean that people tried to destroy their business, because they are obviously just open-minded people, they'll serve whoever comes to them and give them the tattoo's that they want.

    Another thing I thought was that this would never happen in britain, tattoo shops there probably have extreme right, white supremacist, skinhead (whatever you want to call them) customers too and I don't think anybody would dream of attacking the owners of a shop for serving these people.

    So as for the german govt supporting the seige of gaza, two wrongs don't make a right, but maybe people are scared of being stigmatised if they critisize israel and their govts support of them...

  6. They think gung-ho support for a Jewish State is the way to make  amends for the crimes of a few thousand grandparents some 65 years ago. It is strange though - they have a large Muslim population,many of whom can vote - you would think Merkel's lopsided foreign policy wouldn't go over that well. Germans,got any opinions? This is your category. Come on,speak up.

  7. Got anti-semitism?, Here's a novel concept, the Jews are wrong, the "Palestinians and other Arabs are equally wrong, the French have been wrong in the region, and British mandate palestine was a bogus ad hoc border drawing anyway. The Americans are wrong, and the germans are wrong.... You can search hgh and low, left and right, east and west, and you won't find anyone "Right" in the middle not one....

  8. Angela Merkel and Tzipi Livni are like two lovers on lesbos,at least politically. yes,I think it has to due with lingering regrets from the Third Reich era. Supposedly if Germany jumps through hoops for jews like a trained seal that will "atone" for the crimes of a bunch of Austrians.

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