
Why is the Gesamtschule in Germany not very popular?

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Why is the Gesamtschule in Germany not very popular?




  1. You all are wrong!

    Something is right but you all said things about "Gesamtschulen" wasn`t right!

    I went to a "Gesamtschule" and made a good "Realschulabschluss" after 6 years there!

    People who wasn`t so good leave "Gesamtschule" after 5 years there and had a "Hauptschulabschluss" then!

    Realschulpupil have different courses than the Hauptschulpupil but they also have lessons together!

    That`s because they thought that the Realschulpupil can help the Hauptschulpupil!

    But reality is that Realschulpupil are often bored of teaching with Hauptschulpupil!And that`s the big problem!It`s a stupid system!

    Ps:You also can visit a Realschule or Hauptschule

    In a Gesamtschule the pupil of both only are mixed...

    I hope you understand everything I tried to say...;)

  2. This is not true at all.

    The German school system works in three tiers.

    From the age of six when children start school, they are together for four years and then separate into three different possibilities.

    Either they attend a Grammar School  (Gymnasium) which they can choose to go to without any examinations. If their achievements are not up to standards they may have to leave this school altogether, usually after failing once or twice and having to repeat a year or two. Successful pupils finish with A-level results (Abitur) and the possibility to go to university, also into training for commercial professions like bankers, shipping agents etc.

    The second possibility open to any ten year old is the

    Secondary Modern School (Realschule) again this can be attended without any examinations having to be passed at the beginning. The same procedure, if a pupil does not achieve satisfactory results he/she may have to repeat a year or two, eventually having to leave this school to then attend the one below.

    Successful pupils usually go into a three year training

    to be nurses, doctor's receptionists, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, bricklayers, all sorts or artisans and traders.

    The third part of the children go to the Main School (Hauptschule). These schools used to supply the youngsters for the above mentioned artisan professions, but nowadays the companies prefer to employ youngsters from the Realschule, because they are older, and have learned a little more.

    There are ambitious efforts being made in all the Federal States of Germany to establish more and more Comprehensive Schools, which are the 'Gesamtschulen'.

    In these the children are kept together from the age of six to the age of 18 or 19. At certain stages children will leave school to start apprenticeships or jobs in different trades,or shops or factories. Those who stay on longest obviously are the most interested in a good education, can afford to live of their parents for so long, and are able to sit for A-levels.

    These schools hold their lessons from nine till four o/clock as here in England, while the afore mentioned schools usually start at eight o/clock and finish at 1 or 2 pm.

    Gesamtschulen are very much wanted by many parents because they have proved to supply the children with a  very good education, and do not

    demand a separation at the age of ten. Other Europeqan countries have shown this, and done much better in the PISA studies than Germany.

    Germany is aware of this and tries to change it's school system, although this will take a long long time.


  3. Because everyone who cannot go to a gynasium has to go there.

    Basically it is seen as a school for white trash and immigrants.

    Gymnasium is the top school

    Realschule is next

    and at the bottom is the hauptschule / gesamtschule.

    Basically anyone who goes there will not go to university or get a good job - or it is very unlikely they will.

    Hauptschule has 9 years of study, realschule has 10, and the gynasium 12.

    It is controversial as teachers decide after 4 years at school where the student will go - and if you don't have good marks you will be sent to a gesamschule.

    Many Germans think that students should stay together for about 8 years before decisions are made. This is because not all students get into schooloing straight away.

  4. Another aspect is that a lot of Gymnasium students are quite happy to get away from those who bullied them.Hauptschule / Gesamtschule students tend to be a lot more violent than Gymnasium students.

    Btw. Hauptschule most often takes 10 years of study, too.Only in few cases it has been reduced to 9 years.

    McGonagall : There are some efforts to establish Gesamtschulen, but neither very ambitious nor in all states (theres just one Gesamtschule in bavaria, for ex.Parents are not interested in having their children be in one school with students on hauptschul-Level.Like I mentioned above, Hauptschulen have a severe violence problem.

    I won't say much about the PISA-test, except that most experts in germany critisize that study for not being very precise, if you want, see here :

    I've never heard of schools in germany going till 4 o'clock every day, maybe you could give an example.

    One last thing : Not only the school system is a 3-tier system, teachers education is as well.That means that a teacher who studied to become a Hauptschulteacher cannot teach on

    Gymnasium level, which makes creation of Gesamtschulen effectively pretty difficult.

  5. ok, my friend told me about it, let me try to get it right to you:....

    Gesamtshule in germany is not like high schools home in the states, it's ppl goin there no matter how smart they are and germans have 3 types of school which they go to according to how clever they are and gesamtschule contents them all.

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