
Why is the Government borrowing millions, yet giving millions away to China and India?

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I don't understand it. Both countries have their own billionaires.

It's reasonable to contribute, directly if possible, to poor people when disasters strike, but even then shouldn't their own rich rulers and business corporations lead the way.




  1. That's one reason why the rich should pay higher taxes.  The government can use some of their tax money for humanitarian aid.  

  2. It baffles me!

    i think it has a lot to do with foreiign policy stuff that we cant easily wiggle ourselves out  of

  3. Why don"t you cite some sources.  We give a paltry amount in foreign aid and none to India and China.  We keep hearing how the government gives millions to other countries - cite your sources.

    In 2004, for example, Israel and Egypt received the most aid; the rest of the reciepients were either countries battling drugs like Colombia and Peru or those in the middel east like Iraq and Afghanistan.

  4. The right term should be other countries investing in our government.In return we are investing in potential country like China and India.We should appreciate our country for their effort to bring us in the long term benefits.No country will do such a silly deal. RIGHT....

  5. really?the usa only gave china 1million,whereas china give 5million when the hurricane came ago

  6. You should take a look at the numbers.

    China has shifted by now to giving more foreign aid than it receives.

    China is, due to it's size, still the third largest recipient of foreign aid, but aid programs are expiring.

    Still, those 2 bn $ that china gets from the rest of the world are not a big amount - it's merely two $ per person - iraq gets 500 $ per head; the iraq war costed the taxpayer around 2000 billion dollar.

    If you look at the trade bilance between China and the US, you'll see that China gave goods worth 321 bn $ to the US, while receiving only 65 bn $ in goods. Those 0.034 bn $ of earthquake aid does little to adjust this deficit.

    So the United States are a net debtor to China.

    While India has some very rich people, the majority of the population is still rather poor.

    The United States have a very low foreign aid spending compared to their GDP; and it's ridiculously tiny if you compare it to their military or agriculture spending.

  7. go figure, eh?

  8. What government do you mean? I will assume America but if i am wrong correct me, if it is the case however than they are in debt to China i don't know why you think they give money to them.... America are in debt to a lot of countries in fact....

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