
Why is the House of Rep. going on recess when the people they serve are in need of their help with gas prices?

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Why is the House of Rep. going on recess when the people they serve are in need of their help with gas prices?




  1. Because it's their vacation time, just like you have vacation in your job.  I'm pretty sure the majority of Americans would do the same.  

    If you want help from the high gas prices, don't buy gas.  Walk.  

  2. because working 3 days a week is just way to taxing on their elitist butts.  

  3. We do not need there guys in session all the time.  Before 1940 Conress was in session only about six months of the yeat.  And before that they met only every other year.  They don't do much there except talk and politic.

  4. Maybe it's a good thing they went on recess rather than passing an energy bill.

    Be truthful, how much confidence do you have that they would pass a MEANINGUL and EFFECTIVE bill, rather than just slap something together and s***w things up worse than what they are??????? Me? None!

  5. Because the Democrats would rather have a political issue to use against the Republicans than a solution to high gas prices.

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