
Why is the Human race the only intelligent species on our planet?

by Guest62130  |  earlier

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Im talking about the Human race face to face...Why didnt evolution create another living animal with similar qualities as our own? Intelligent in there own right and at the same level of intelligence as our own race today?

It doesnt make sense that we have evolved far faster than any other creature on the planet considering the short time we have been on this planet and there is nothing close enough to us to warrant the same intelligence levels...Forget Apes too because if they were in the same leagues as us they would be walking around talking to us too....We evolved from Apes? What a load of hogwash.....What we evolved from is something completely and utterly miss concieved and is yet to be discovered in my opinion.?....Some might laugh and mock at the idea of UFO`s and Alien existence, but what if its they who gave us our existence?....Everyone thought the Wright brothers were mad....Who are we really??




  1. We did not evolve from apes. We are very different from apes.

    We are created in the image of God, which is why we have intelligence, why we can love, why we appreciate music, art, etc, why we can do science.

    Those that think we evolved from an ape should provide some evidence for this assertion - which is little more than a bigoted religious view.

    All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    Evolution requires the creation of new genetic information. The proposed mechanism is mutations, yet all observed mutations are information neutral or lossy.

    All hominid fossils are clearly ape or clearly human. History is full of frauds and over-enthusiastic claims of anthropologists

    Man was created as man. We are very different to all apes/monkeys and there is no evidence that we evolved at all.

    The evidence does not support he idea that we are evolved from an ape. All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    History is full of frauds and wishful thinking in regard to alleged missing links:

    Piltdown man – fraud

    Java man - a few teeth, and a few skull and bone fragments

    Nebraska man - a pigs tooth

    Australopithecene (Lucy) - portrayed with human like hands and feet despite the fact that it is known to have ape like hands and feet, and to have been a knuckle walker.

    To believe we evolved from an ape requires an awful lot of faith! It flies in the face of the evidence, and of scientific knowledge.

  2. Humans are a type of ape and I personally don't think that humans are the only intelligent species on the planet.

    Canines are incredibly intelligent, it's humans limitations in understanding other species which leads to the erroneous assumption by some, that humans are the most intelligent species on the planet.

  3. We haven't evolved 'faster' than other creatures. By saying this you seem to imply that intelligence is somehow the goal of evolution. But this isn't true - evolution doesn't have a goal. All that happens is that creatures evolve to find a niche where they can survive.

    Millions of years ago, our ancestors found the niche of 'intelligence', and evolved to exploit it. Other creatures found other niches and exploit those extremely well, at least until we turned up and started destroying their habitats.

    And, it's not true that there weren't any other creatures that developed intelligence. It seems from the fossil record that about 100,000 years ago there were multiple hominid species which were more or less intelligent. The others died out, and only our ancestors survived. Why? We can only guess, but the probability is that we wiped the competitors out.

  4. Fact check!  We didn't evolve *from* apes.  Human beings are a *type* of ape.

  5. We human are a unique race in unvierse, not only present on this planet. We are not evloved from any other specie. But this is not right that other creatures are not intellgent.

    Our nature and instinct are two distinct and separate things. We have a mental semblance with other species like goat, sheep, cow, buffalo, dog cat, snake, pigeon, dove etc. And in our nature we have our own distinct position and status, which has been granted to us by that Divine Being, Who is Supreme and Above all species and all individuals of the universe. And this bestowal or grant is the sagacious intellect or the power of contemplation. No reasonable person can claim that animals do not possess mind and sense. In certain matters animals demonstrate more intelligence, common sense and alertness than man.

    There are quadrupeds which have the striking ability of foresight Cats, dogs and many other animals can foresee the forthcoming disastrous events and earthquakes. Before the historic earthquake of San Francisco, in 1906, dogs started barking causing unrest and disturbance for die people. Water-fowls nestled on tall trees and pigs started fighting with one another. Cows broke away in sheer fright.  Similarly, the rats living underground; the weasels, and many other animals made their escape from die ancient Greek city, Hellas, five days prior to the earthquake. The sky over the city of Concepcion in Chile was swarmed with flocks of terrified and screaming birds, which followed the destruction of the city, by an earthquake.

    Powerful Senses:

    Earthquakes, usually, do not strike suddenly. Interlocking of the subterranean sedimentary rocks is the climax of the primary stage of an earthquake. Constantly increasing geological pressure brings about unusual changes in the crest and trough of the upper crust of the earth and the waves of the earthquake begin to appear in the subterranean rocks. A slight change takes place in the magnetic field of the earth. Human senses are unable to detect these initial conditional changes but the animals, in this regard can immediately feel the slightest cracking of the subterranean rocks before the earthquake actually strikes.

    Man’s auditory abilities are comparatively very limited. Man can only hear the sounds having the frequency of twenty cycles per second but sound waves with frequency of more than twenty thousand cycles per second are inaudible to human ears whereas dogs, cats and foxes can even hear the sounds of frequencies of upto sixty thousand Cps. Rats, bats, whales and dolphins can hear the sound waves whose frequencies range upto hundred thousand Cps. In the ocean, fish can feel even the extremely slight vibrations. Man's range of sight is also quite poor whereas the bees can even see the ultraviolet rays. Falcon's eye sees a thing eight times enlarged than it appears to man.

    Detective Dogs:

    Dogs are wed the world over by the police, for a long time, for tracing out and for the identification of the culprits. There are about five million sensory cells in the human nose whereas some races of dogs are ordained with more than two hundred million of such cells and the smelling power of dogs is accordingly many million times more than the human smelling power.

    Before the Invention of the Electricity:

    The house (nest) of the weaver bird; a bird smaller than a sparrow, is a masterpiece of architectural planning. This doom like hanging nest has rooms, swings, and even ‘beds’ to rest 'This small, two inch in size, bird has this much sense and wisdom that it captures fireflies to illuminate its ‘house’. By using its prey as a Iamb it keeps its house lighted. This tiny bird knew how to keep its nest lighted much before the discovery of electricity by man and harnessing it for his use. For generations it has been using the fireflies, as bulbs.

    In view of this explanation, it becomes clear that every individual of the universe has an affinity with one another with respect to instinct and nature and is bound in common ties and bonds of nature and instinct. A deep study of instinct and nature enables us to acquire a new consciousness. The consciousness which is particular for men and jinns only. When this consciousness of thinking and contemplation is activated in man he becomes conscious of the fact that this powerful man is a helpless creature too. And this helplessness is a proof of the fact that our whole life is controlled by such a Supreme Being Whose Control and Authority is prevalent over the whole universe. Various names have been given to This Deity by different religions. Islam Introduces this Deity as God, Christianity calls this Supreme and Sublime Being as God. Hinduism names it as Baghwan. Some call It Yazdan, according to few It is Eliya or Jehovah. In short every religion has its own way of introducing This Supreme Being.

  6. If we come from aliens, how come we share 99.8 per cent of our DNA with apes, and 97/98 per cent of our DNA with every other animal. There were other groups but they were killed of. Homoerectus killed off the Neanderthals, homosapiens killed off homoerectus. Homosapiens have one massive instinct - self preservation. Self preservation is the driving force behind evolution.

  7. dont believe in ufo's, scientology is a bad influence on the world. But some say that there is always a Chance in anything... so like.. theres 1/10000000000000000000 chance of a type of ape, or like.. a species of ape to speak or to gain a far higher inteligence. so i guess we are the result of that "chance". Who knows maybe a meteorite wiped off another human civilisation.. or a lizard speaking one hahahah we'll never know.. all we know is that there were bacteria,fish,lizards,mammals,... and somehting coming next! hahaha

  8. I think the notion that we're the only intelligent species on the planet is questionable at best.

    In answer to your question about why there aren't more human-like species - well, humans already exist and we're pretty  good at being humans, so that ecological niche is pretty well filled. Why would natural selection favour a similar species that would be in competition with us, when there are so many other niches that can be exploited?

  9. I have to agree that we are a type of ape, have you ever watched apes? they have a language all of their own and communicate very effectivley with each other, in an unknown amount of years they could quite easily be on par with where we as a race are now.

  10. We did not evolve from apes, we are apes. Don't dismiss as hogwash what you clearly do not understand! Go away and learn about natural selection and how it really works, before indulging is fantasy!

  11. You talk rubbish. Animals are far more intelligent than humans will ever be. They are able to communicate with each other irrespective of their species, and communication is language of sorts, but we' are so stupid and have lost the ability to enter the animal kindom, which is our loss. All we live for is sexual gratification, and to make sure that we are better off than our neighbour. Pure greed and gluttony, no matter which way you look at it.

  12. LOL. u r joking right!!!!!!

    Have u talked to the animals today.

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