
Why is the Left running scared of Palin?

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there must be something about Sarah Palin that is deeply threatening to the left, a constituency that has long believed they have cornered the working mother market. Five kids? She should be at home begging Democrats for a handout. A husband in a union? He should be on the picket lines.

Liberals like to pretend they are tolerant and accepting of those who are different but when it comes to anyone not ensconced in their progressive, elitist dogma they mock and attack their lifestyle to inspire hate. But because governor Palin is endearing, authentic–and with this latest revelation–easy to identify with, she invokes panic in the left. Why else would they assail a very popular, promising lady and her children?

The key question here is: what is the extreme left trying to prove? How does this make Sarah Palin unfit to serve? And how exactly will this story look bad to voters? A mother stands behind her child. I can think of worse stories than “Palins Come Together to Support Teen Daughter.” This is America. This is life. And this is private.

Ridiculing McCain’s VP pick for her commitment to family, poking fun at her hobbies and pushing smear about her kids will only bite back. Remember there’s a reason the naked protesters who ran up and down Eighth Avenue in New York City during the 2004 convention helped Republicans: they made liberals look cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Perpetuating laughable legend and assailing the American family is akin to the in the buff boycotting. –It makes the lefties look desperate, unstable, paranoid and downright mean. And it will hurt the Democratic brand if it continues.

The back story here has nothing to do with Palin and her family but more to do with the extreme left. All Americans should take note: if liberals aren’t going to show Governor Palin or her family any respect, voters shouldn’t expect their policies to either.




  1. She claims to be a working mother but is hoping to take a job that will not allow her the time to mother a ds baby, a pg teenager and three other kids.  She cannot claim to be a good working mother.  It just doesn't work.  She is abandoning her baby and the pregnancy may be due in part to her have too little time for her teenager.  She is just not a good example of a working mother.

    And her husband currently works for a foreign oil company.

    The picture the campaing is trying to paid just does not hold up.  The Democratic party does not fear Palin, it loves her.  It was the best possible VP selection in the eyes of the Democrats.  She really hurts the Republican ticket.

  2. You're an idiot.

    The woman's life plan was to be a "stay at home" mom!  She was mayor of a town too small to have a mayor and has less than 20 months experience.  She's over 40 and just now got her first passport!  THis is who you want to vote for?  McCain has frickin cancer (yes currently.) So, you are voting in her?

    I'm offended as a woman that McCain feels "any woman will do."  I'm not worried.  That was a dumb move on his part.

    Obama 08!

  3. we did not pick her McCain did, if she didn't want any negative press then she is fighting for the wrong position. dirt will be uncovered on everyone. get over your self righteous ways. she isn't exempt from criticisms  

  4. Obama supporters are very comfortable in the daily revelations of her past, and await the other shoe to drop.  

  5. Scared of what?

    An out of touch candidate who thinks abstinence should be taught instead of s*x education when it clearly doesn't work in her household?

    I don't think so.

  6. Just proof that Obama supporters have the maturity of a grapefruit

  7. well, i don't know if they're so much running scared, or laughing, or indifferent, etc., but people are obviously trying to find every little flaw they can because that's what they always do.  they distort the truth so people only see the negative on the outside, no matter what's really going on.  1 little problem i really have with her is she's a little young, & like some random Alaskan native said, "it's too early, it's not her time yet", & i kinda agree with that.  & it may be bad timing, but it's what she's handled with, & we all have to deal with it.  

    as for her daughter, i actually agree with Obama on something:  her family is OFF LIMITS!!!!  yes, she's a public figure now, but that wasn't the case until very recently, & it's just a shame how the media will exploit it for all its worth.

  8. This is also life, when you take on a public office you agree to put you and your family on front street.  This is not new her dirty laundry must be aired and people will yet make their own decisions. I personally don't want someone running my country who takes time out to fight the battles of all her family at my expense. Beautiful thing stand by your daughter that is awesome just go back to Alaska to stand by her.

  9. I'm telling you folks, this is the typical liberal playbook. The left are expert character assassins. Just ask Ken Star, Katherine Harris, Linda Tripp, Paula Jones, Judge Thomas... the list goes on and on.

  10. The only threatening thing about Palin is the damage she is doing to her own party.

  11. The left isn't assailing her, or if they (we) are, it's only if baited (such as when answering a provoking question on Y!A). Other than that, I don't hear it. The news talks a lot, as you know. That could probably account for a perception that she is being blasted by the left, or why they might be perceived as running scared.

    Alright, I admit that my wife doesn't like her, and she says so, but only to me in the privacy of our home. Her reason is because her only political experience, besides being a governor for a few months, is as a mayor, and being on the PTA. I, on the other hand, view her quick rise to power as a notable accomplishment.

  12. Simple politics.

    There is nothing that the Republican party can do that the Democrats will not ridicule or attack. There is no room in this country for real debate or discourse - just partisanship.

    Lest the Republicans get all high and mighty, just keep in mind this dirty campaigning is the legacy of the Bush family.  

  13. Funny how the Republicans have been smearing Obama since the beginning and now that you have a candidate you feel is being slighted- you start crying out and blaming the left.  I have read and seen more lies and misconstrued statements about Obama in the last few months, than has been said about Palin.  No one is complaining about her hobbies.  They are complaining about her extreme views and politics.  And how she is a liar.  And that no one had heard of her or met her till the week she was announced.  It is a blatant attempt for McCain to try to pick up Hillary voters.  But they don't realize that Hillary voters are smart and won't vote for her b/c she is a woman.  She doesn't support the issues we think are important.  

    You are just upset b/c the shoe is on the other foot.  Now it is your turn to fight for the truth, like we have been doing for Obama.

    Oh and Sarah Palin is a Muslim.  

  14. Because she has the potential to be a bigger Rock Star than Barack Obama, But she has experience to back it up unlike Obama

  15. Actually you answered your own question.

    Her family undermines everything the Liberals stand for.

    Government handout - no thanks.

    Victim status - uninterested.

    Discard inconvenient children - no way.

  16. The "left" isn't running scared of Palin, they are laughing their asses off because, 72 year old (currently the average age of death for an American male) McCain's choice of a hockey mom, who's governor of a large igloo as VP, destroys his strongest argument against Obama.

  17. Well put.. I heard an interview with Gov. Palin a few months ago and  in that brief interview it was obvious that she has more experience (both American lifestyle and political) and potential to serve the country's interests as President than slick Barry.

  18. Sorry, but LOL!! You guys really know how to put on a show.

  19. Running scared?

    We're laughing our asses off !~

  20. Your assertation is laughable.

  21. The drive-by media is the fourth branch of gov't. They are only for what is going to get a demoncat in office and what will boost their ratings!!!!

    Today the U.S. millitary turned over the anbar province to the iraqi gov't but it is barely being reported, instead they are doing their best to only cover gov. Palins daughter and hurricane gustav..

    They are afraid that their opponent has actual experience and that she is a woman!! Yes the left only thinks women and blacks are good candidates when their dems.

    Palin has cajones and the drive-bys are going to once again attack her values, her family and personal life(othin about obamas brother who lives on 1$ a month) everything they can do to  keep people from knowing the Biden family issues happening right now, or the success and progression in iraq. Remember iraq is only interesting when they can claim bodies!!  

    I am a member of the  SAVAGE NATION!!!!!

    I despise the liberal media.

    Go Palin!!!

  22. Wow.  You spent a lot of time on the rant. Liberals are anything but afraid of Palin.

  23. I could copy and paste almost every single word of your rant and have it refer to Obama.  Don't you realize that?

    All the smearing and non-sense spewing has been going on about Obama since they day he announced his candidacy.  So now that your candidate has some negative qualities, you want people to be nice and fair?  Please,  when you do the same, let me know.

  24. You'd be the first to rail against Chelsea Clinton if she were to become pregnant and UNWED


    it is amusing to watch the entire mantra of conservatives change to

    condoning teen aged unwed pregnacies


    and guess what

    this post SAID NOTHING against the little girl involved

  25. Running scared?

    Um. No.

    We just think its hysterical that a Governor who doesnt believe in pre-marital s*x, and doesnt believe that married couples should use birth control ends up with an underage pregnant daughter. Then, knowing her daughter is pregnant, accepts the VP spot from McCain knowing the media was going to pounce like a rabid wolf. Then the campaign has the stones to tell the media that they are behaving offensively for raising questions about Palin's family.

    This was a complete joke of a VP pick. McCain considered her only for 4 days before asking her to be the VP nominee. This is a reckless disregard for the country.

    Add that to Palin wanting Alaska to be its own separate country (Alaksa First). I want my leaders to be America First.  

  26. Its hard for anyone to defend themselves when they are laughing THIS hard...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  She's a joke...plain and simple...but you neo-cons are much too blind to even see how atrocious this pick was...simpletons.

  27. they are worried to death as well they should be. she is everything they wanted and needed. they only wish they had a working mother of 5 who gets up at 3 a.m. to hunt moose and is a marksman. this is my kind of woman.

  28. Good post but---I bet you get deleted.

    You're not allowed to say anything positive about McCain or Palin on YA.

    They just won't tolerate it.

  29. As a proud member of the liberal left - I am thrilled at the announcement of Palin as VP choice, not "running scared". This woman will single-handedly drive the nails into McCain's political coffin. Thanks Sarah!

  30. Sarah Palin got more votes running for mayor in Wasilla Alaska than Joe Biden did in national campaign for the presidency.

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