
Why is the Left still denying Palin credibility when even the liberal press says she did well?

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CNN admits it with Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper.

NBC admits it with Tom Brokaw.

CBS admits it with Jeff Greenfield.

Deny it all you want but the proof is in that link.




  1. I'm watching all three morning shows right now:  MSNBC, FOX and CNN...all are giving her high marks.  Guess it depends on who's talking.  I think she did great.  Smart, convincing and rather funny.  Not the same ol' stuff from the white haired guys that normally give those speeches.

  2. They said she gave a good speech.  "Credibility"  is something else entirely.

  3. So based on your question you are officially giving the liberal press the same credibility because you agree with them?

    Then if a link is all you need - here's one for you not to deny either...

  4. The liberals should trust their press, but apparently not when it doesn't fit their agenda.  Palin did a wonderful job, and yet they are still trying to destroy her through her family, and they are reduced to name calling.  I do not understand why some people cannot abide by morality.

    I believe she is a threat to the left.  They are afraid because she has it all over not only the vp she is up against, but their number one candidate. Her documentation and approval rating in her state are remarkable!


  5. Personally I think Palin did great. I enjoyed her speech and if McCain gets in the white house I think she'll do just fine.

    But the republicans have screwed the pooch for McCain, 4 more years of republican rule? No thanks

  6. Sorry, can't trust the liberal press, remember?

  7. I watched, I gave her a five, it wasn't great, it wasn't bad, the hockey mom lines are wearing thin, the zingers to Obama were spoken.

    Shes a former tv sports newscaster with a degree in journalism and communications.  There never was any reason to low ball the expectations to the degree presented.

  8. A speech on national TV sudden gives Palin credibility?  Hardly.

  9. You do know she read a speech that was written for her right? I believe they were speaking on her delivery.

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