
Why is the McCain camp so upset about Obama's new ad?

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They're calling it 'unfair'.




  1. Because the truth usually hurts...they need not be so sensitive...WOOT!

  2. Who in this fictional McCain "camp" of yours called it unfair?

    It's likely that somebody over in Arlington put out some sort of routine statement if they have a policy of commenting on any and all ads that the Obama campaign spends money on.

    That one was a cheapie to produce.

    It's preaching to the choir of folks who will vote for anybody with a (D) behind their name so it's not going to be terribly effective.

    The majority of the voters we're battling over right now KNOW that they don't want their taxes increased or more money spent on increasing the size of government.

    When they realize that Obama will do that as sure as the sun rises in the East, they won't care if McCain plants big wet kisses on George Bush.

    They will care about Obama sucking up to Chavez, Ahmadenijad, and Putin.  He can't be "the symbol of the US" while he's looking like a "deer in the headlights" and reading from Joe Biden's Power Point presentation.

    Obama can do all the cheap-shot ads he wants.

    They simply diminish his stature and make him look juvenile

    and not ready to lead

    If we want to see that, we can look at stuff on YouTube.

    That's where kids get there tee-hees while they sip kool aid.

    The rest of us will vote for McCain.

  3. I don't see much of an outrage, maybe they are too busy pulling up footage of Biden saying Obama lacks the experience to be President.  

  4. The only complaining I've heard is about McCain's ad featuring Hillary. Haven't heard a peep about McCain being upset. Sorry.

  5. its better than the alien space that as landed with the man from Kenya

  6. There's nothing unfair about the truth.

    Just as I suspected, all the Republican answers

    were attempted diversions to avoid explaining

    whether anything is truly unfair about the ad.

    I still haven't seen one attack ad

    by THEM that is completely honest.

    For example, why don't they say who

    they are talking to when they say Obama

    will raise your taxes? The truth is they are

    only talking to the top 2 income brackets because

    with the Obama plan, everyone elses will stay the same.

  7. Of course they are calling it unfair.  It's the truth.  The truth does hurt.

    Love that ad.

  8. They may be upset because the truth can be upsetting.

  9. Liberal pay attention to the polls, better yet pay attention to your candidates voting record, tax,tax and more tax plan, read between the scripted lines.  Unfair? sounds like a lib talking.  What is unfair is that I am forced to vote for McCain so a professed socialist does not get into the highest office in My country. I was not born into socialism and have never sought to live like that so why is it you P.O.S. liberals want to force those who do not want to,to support others?   Why should as a small business I be forced to pay higher taxes when I could hire someone with that money.  Instead you wish to grow the government 23 percent?  This is what Obama's plan calls for.  If McCain was to play "hardball"  Your candidate is too easy and now he picked Biden,  who supported McCain for Kerry's V.P.?  Who are you Libs kidding, Get over the partisan politics and pay attention to who is really trying to s***w you.  And if you love video so much did you see the one where Obama voted to raise taxes on those making 42,000?  Am I wrong but is that not the MIDDLE-Class?  More taxes from a Demon-rat, some change from the past that is.

  10. They know it will hit home with voters.

  11. the ad! So true!;-p

  12. There's nothing unfair about it. It's very effective so that's why the GOP is upset. It's a well made ad

  13. It's actually pretty moronic.Of course that means it will seem quite ingenious to Liberals.

    Okay,after reading some of the Libs Answers,"I Rest My Case"


  14. Because, they don't want the Obama campaign to play hardball. They are afraid now.

  15. If it's critical of McBush, then their panties are all wet and in a bunch because the TRUTH HURTS.

  16. I wouldn't be as offended by this add as I would be AMUSED seeing as how Obama asks if we can "afford more of the same" after picking a 35 year WHITE veteran of the US Senate as a running mate!  

  17. Because they are casting stones from a glass house! About time the Democrats stop laying down to all the assaults the republicans have been sending their way and fight back. The American voting public responds well to ads such as this, the republicans have been using them for years now!

  18. Being a low bandwidth Internet user, let me start by saying that normally, I don’t answer questions with video links (or other links for that matter).

    However, I just HAD to watch Obama’s new ad to see what the McCan’t camp is crying about now - and BOY… did I LMAO!

    They say it’s “unfair” because it speaks the truth in a rock-in-roll kind of way… In this election cycle, “truth” is the last thing the G.O.P. wants to leak out.  You know, unlike the CIA leak:

  19. Didn't seem unfair to me. Guess "fairness" has a different definition in the GOP dictionary.

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