
Why is the NHS so 'patient' centric? It is paid for by the 'well' taxpayers too...?

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Parliament are talking about the NHS and banging on about 'patients' and their 'rights'.

Well I am not a patient, but I am a tax payer - I am paying for this nonsense, so why am I excluded from consideration?




  1. I was an NHS nurse for 20+ years and eventually became a Charge Nurse. Once 'there' I found I was submerged in an ever deepening well of paperwork - form filling for persons who were only interested in their own 'non-hands on' careers. I had to attend 'meetings' about a range of subjects totally irrelevant to my clinical speciality (dementia care). Eventually I quit, claimed my pension, and now work in the private sector. The pay isn't nearly so good but the job satisfaction is there in spades.

  2. Because that was why the NHS was formed - to care for those that are not as fortunate as others.

    Because one day you too may become a patient or the relative of a patient.

    Either by an accident, or you may contract a long-term illness

    or one of your children may be born with a disability

    or your parents or a close relative or friend may require help in later age.

    If what your are saying is that you expect your tax to be spent efficiently I totally agree with you.

  3. Why do I keep hearing ''We have free medical and you don't''

  4. Obviously you are an impertinent young pup!

    When you get a few years behind you and you need hospital treatment, it will be the 'young-uns' paying for you.

    Clearly, you've never worked in the NHS. If you had, you'd know that it is ego-centric, and caters primarily for the personal gain of those in the higher circles - patients are looked upon as an inconvenient occupational bye-product to be processed and turfed out ASAP!

  5. Lucky you - You are not a patient yet but you probably will be someday if you get ill or have kids and if you cannot see this, I hope you get your money's worth!  Have you never visited a doctor, dentist or other healthcare specialist - even as a child?  I suppose you had your innoculations?  We have all used the NHS and for all the griping, we are very lucky to have it.  

    A friend of mine died as an old lady in hospital from starvation and gangrene up to her elbows - and they tried to send her home.  She was treated terribly and the case is now in arbitration and will be sorted out eventually.  Most nurses and hospitals do care about their patients but now we have the new health trusts, nurses are overworked and there are the odd health service personnel who see the patients as a pain in the neck rather than the reason they have a job.  Patients do need some protection from these 'few' and those that are an asset to the NHS deserve good pay and treatment.  

    If you were in hospital, wouldn't you want to be treated with dignity and respect?  Not treated as a nuisance?  If you had a life threatening disease, would you like to be told that you cannot receive the treatment you need because you are in the wrong postcode?

  6. I think at the end of treatment you should be given a receipt showing how much your treatment would have cost so you can make a donation!

    PDSA do it and were all like animals anyway

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