
Why is the NSW government contributing 87million to World Youth Day?

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Why is the Australian taxpayer funding religious events?

What happened to the separation of church and state?

Are key members of Morris Iemmas Government Catholics?

Will they be extending the same amounts of funding to visits of other religious figures?




  1. Their argument will be that the event is an international event that will bring lots of revenue to the state in form of tourism and in long run a great promotion of Australia to the international world. Much like the Olympic game in 2000.

    Argument from the other side push for the government to bill the Catholic church, since they're the one that will benefit most from this event.

    While I can see truth in both arguments, it's not difficult for the Catholic church, being the big organization that they are to find another place that's willing to host the event and spend whatever the cost of extra security and setting up place to stay for the participants of the events (both of those are being said as the majority of the money spent)

    I am by all means are not catholic, but this kind of event is a very lucrative promotional event that can really benefit Australia. After all Australia's 3rd biggest export is in Education, in the form of International students studying in Australia.

    The questioner mention about same amount of funding to visits of other religious figures. Visitation and Event are very different. Pope visitation is not the same as World Youth day.

    Pope, having a different status as other religious figure (him being head of the state too) will automatically get the same kind of treatment as other head of the state.

    I can easily say that a visitation by Dalai Lama will cost Australia some money in term of providing extra security for him and it easily will be the same kind of cost as Pope visitation, but not going to be anywhere near the cost of hosting World Youth day event.

    As for separation of church and state, hosting this event and getting revenue as the after effect of it doesn't necessarily breach that separation.

    It's more like the Israeli getting money from Christians that want to go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem or visit Betlehem in Christmas day.

    If Australia has something like what Saudi Arabia has with Mecca and Medina and the pilgrimage that will raise a moslem status that do it, I'm pretty sure the government will put money to ensure that kind of money making scheme goes on.

    I hope I can explain myself well enough.


  2. another example of our country's government (federal, state or local) wasting money on stupid S**t. there is a h**l of alot of things the state g'ment can do with the tax payer money.

  3. jaytee.. it may be **** for you but it's not **** for MILLIONS of young people around the world clearly. **** that OUR money does go to waste is that the mardigra or however u spell it. Now THATS a waste of MY money. Plus your so ignorant that you don't even know that it will actually help the Australian economy.

  4. I always wonder about those New South Welshmen...


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