
Why is the October fest held in September?

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Why is the October fest held in September?




  1. It's yours Redneckgirl, Prost!!!!!

  2. Might because it gets too cold in October?

  3. A similar question has been asked a few days ago:;...

    I addition:

    n the year 1813, the Oktoberfest was called off as Bavaria was involved in the Napoleonic war. In 1816, carnival booths appeared. The main prizes were silver, porcelain, and jewelry. In 1819, The town fathers of Munich took over festival management. They decided that the Oktoberfest should be celebrated every year without exception. Later, it was lengthened and the date pushed forward. The reason being that the end of September in Bavaria often has very good weather. The high temperature in the first week of Oktoberfest nears 30 °C which stimulates the thirst of the visitors. However, today the last week of Oktoberfest is still in October.

  4. It just starts in september, the majority of the celebration takes part in october. I think it's just because "September- und Oktoberfest" isn't half as snappy a title.

  5. Because they named it for the wrong month

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