
Why is the Olympic body letting China get away with cheating?

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they are not even investigating.




  1. well the cant really prove anything because they get their info from the countries gov and they are the ones giving the false info (passport or w/e they using to claim the kids are at least 16). so for them to investigate they would be saying the gov of china, the host of the olympics, is cheating which will cause an out roar.

  2. One because it is rigged for China to win.

    And two because the IOC does not like controversy.

  3. Education and healthcare in the US rank far behind that of other countries. Our system of government is one of the most corrupt in the world. Our economy is in the crapper and we're in a recession, barreling toward a full-fledged depression. Thousands of young Americans--and countless innocent Iraqui civilians--are being killed in a war our idiot president started and that we have little hope of winning.

    Does it really matter if China cheats to win a gold medal? Does it really matter how many medals the US wins? The Olympics used to be about competition and national pride but they're now just as corrupt and seedy as other sports. It will take more than some gold-plated pieces of tin to make me proud of this country. The Olympics are insignificant.

  4. every countries try to cheat in some way even America. Marion Jones almost got away from using roids. She admitted it and thats why she got punished. If she did not admit it, USA influence in the olympic can help her get away from it too. If you say China is oppressive, then what is america doing in iraq? Weapons of mass destruction?

  5. There's no proof..nothing at all. I think the U.S. are just a bunch of sore losers and that's what this is about. Slandering the host nation is really tasteless too and shows the complete lack of respect the U.S. has for anyone. Just look at what a mess Iraq is and guess who's fault that is.


    They deserved it and I applaud them.

    Go Team USA!

  7. In the world of propaganda, it's not what is said, but what is unsaid.  Any visible cheating by the Chinese to the world is being shown, but being left unsaid by those reporting the event.  The crews will then return home to fill in the gaps.

    Next up is Russia and then the U.S.

  8. What are they going to do?

    Say the Chinese government is lying?

    As great as that would go over there's nothing the IOC can do even if they wanted to.

  9. For the same reason they let Russia get away with it during the 1980  Olympics which was held in Moscow. Very difficult to obtain proof in a society as closed and repressive as China's. There's no realistic way to obtain proof, and without solid proof of something all people can do is whine and speculate. This is nothing new.

  10. It isn't cheating ... the Chinese invented the ability to be invisible ... the invisible Chinese caused Alicia Sacramone to fall on TWO routines (and step out of bound)? There are no Olympic rules that stop the invisible Chinese to trip up their opponents, especially Alicia Sacramone?  Gold medal performance to the invisible Chinese and their ability to go undetected ...

  11. Dont forget about the computer generated fireworks that were shown on every TV screen around the world and the fake singing little girl. So far it seems China hasnt done anything without cutting some sort of corners. Them having to cheat at everything proves that they are not as strong as they want us to believe. This Olympics is a political statement to the world. The are stating..... "The United States is no longer the only super power." Personally, I agree with that statement,however, theirblatantt cheating and false actions displays weakness. China must think we are stupid. I know what a 16 year old looks like. Those little girls weren't even close to 16 and if you think they are you are an idiot. As forPhilipss taking enhancements? Is it possible? Sure.. I dont know. I dont understand the drug testing procedures very well. I'm sure he is clean now, however, was he tested randomly during the last four years of training? My American heart says he is and has not cheated however in this day in age... anything is possible. With that said.... China is in your face.... I dont care if I am caught.... type of cheating. That is even worse.


  12. Jeez...get over it already!  You and the psycho Karoli's are making the US team out to be the biggest whiners in the history of the sport.  Since when is getting a silver medal truly a bad thing.  You know how many gymnastics teams in the Olympics didn't even qualify for a medal?  We got beat..fair and make it sound like somehow China had the ability to make our athlets fall and go out of bounds and not stick their landings...give credit to China...they did great and deserved to win, period!

  13. Because there is no solid evidence they have been cheating.

    Just because there are rumors of things, does not make them true. Isn't everyone innocent until proven guilty? I think it's more ridiculous these people are trying to soil the Chinese people's moment of glory.

    And it's not like they're saying the judges are colluding. It's a matter of age. Isn't it more impressive that the Chinese team won a Gold medal with 14 year olds? Either way, people shouldn't believe these things until it's proven.

    When they start giving the public some real evidence then I'll believe it (and be terribly disappointed) but as of right now, it's just another rumor.  

  14. thats sad. the chinese gymnasts are all cheaters

  15. The answer might be found on one of the other billion questions relating to this topic....

  16. I believe the IOC was threatened with prison.  Can be the only answer.

    There are many documents printed in Chia showing the real age of these girls.

    It is clear the China would do anything to win.  Cheat, steal, lie

    They are damaging Yao just for that.

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