
Why is the ROYAL FAMILY in britain not so popular any more?

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is it because they spend lot of money? or because they are too conservative? or else? what do you think?




  1. they earn millions and do nothing whilst we work hard for a pittence

  2. I did not know that!!!

    Thank you for telling me.

    Have you told her majesty about it, she will not be amused, I'm sure.

    Maybe some of Prince Charles' ways might be a bit old hat, but cannot but admire him for his views over the years, such as: to do with genetically modified foods that he spoke up against and his views on architecture; (first book I ever read) even though it has often made him; as you say unpopular.

    Besides all that what did the Romans ever do for us for that matter???

  3. i do not think that the royal family is not popular anymore, the queen is an adorable woman and phil the greek is an awesome man only those who live in ignorance would not appreciate what the royal family does for the UK

  4. Without going into accusations of murder as some have I for one think that Princess Dianna was let down by the Royals and Charles in particular. I am not trying to gloss over her faults which must have been well known before the wedding but knowing her insecurities she should have had the support she did not get. for this reason I have never quite forgiven them.

    However I would rather have them than some lying poloitician as a president

  5. Because society has changed.  We don't respect each other anymore.  They are not mysterious figure-heads like they used to be.  Newspapers used to not publish salacious stories about the Royals, now they go out of their way to find out stories about them.  News isn't slow anymore - with the Internet and mobile phones, it is instant.  I think one of the mistakes the Royals made, was to let us into their lives.  I don't think we really wanted to see that they are just the same as us.

    I am neither pro nor anti royal.  For me, they are just there.  Celebrity culture has taken over and film and pop stars seem to be more important now.

  6. i love the royal family.  i would sooner join the army for the queen then the government or because of the army adverts.

    i think they royal famliy just need to be seen a little more giving speaches and trying to inspire the nation

  7. Partly because of the lurid headlines within the past twenty odd years concerning some of the members, such as the Duchess of York, and more recently the 'party' lifestyle of Prince Harry,and the fact that three of the Queen's children have been divorced has, unfortunately, made the Royal Family lose much respect......but, on the bright side, The Queen and Prince Philip are highly revered by many of us Brits (and millions worldwide)

    Princess Diana was much loved, and no, there was no 'conspiracy' to have her killed, she died as the result of a high-speed Car accident.

    I have always maintained that if some British People really cannot stomach living in the Land of a Constitutional Monarchy, with all the wonderful traditions and heritage that goes with it, then they should pack their bags and emigrate to the Socialist Republican Utopia they dream North Korea

  8. Because most people realise that this sort of thing is an embarrassing relic of the past that has no place in a modern democratic society especially when British soldiers are dying in Iraq so that those people can have the right to elect their own Head of State which is a right denied to the British people.

    The Queen has proved to be capable of the job such as it is by being dull and uncontroversial but the next incumbent has proved himself to be deceitful and treacherous so he may be the one that cannot survive the modernisation of British politics

  9. What do they do anyway except spend your money taxing you to death? I love the Queen she is sooo classy but the rest of the bunch WTF!! You can have them.

  10. They are supposed to be role models to the rest of us , but it's more like watching a series of Dallas there is more adultery and affairs than the average family can get it's head around.

  11. I do not think they cared for Diana from the start, how can that camilla be queen after she slept with charles knowing he was married, and had her fangs in him even before he married Diana.

  12. What is it they actually do  ???

  13. They had Diana killed.

    (it'll be interesting to see how many thumbs up and how many down on this one)

  14. I think it's a combination of making them out to be pop culture celebrities (they tend to have a short lifespan)  and the fuss over Charles and Camilla and the fact that within 20 years or less, Charles will become king despite previous objections. Even objections from the late Princess Diana who wanted her son to rule instead of Charles.

  15. I think that if a serious study was done, then you would find that the Royal Family is still very popular with the majority of the population of Great Britain...

  16. coz we have seen all the repeats ,oh you mean Royal family not ROYALE family "MY AR*E"

  17. I don't know, but at least they give the rest of the world a good laugh.

  18. I like the Royal's becuase:

    - They attract a lot of tourists which is good for the economy

    - They are a symbol of Britishness, which is slowly being eradicated in the country

    - The Queen is Supreme Governor of the Church of England (so head of my religion)

    - She only costs each taxpayer £0.64 (about $1.20) a year

    - She does a lot of diplomatic work that we do not see

    If you are in Britain (but by the sounds of it you are American), watch Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work on BBC1 at 20:00GMT on Monday.

    It's an excellent insight

  19. They are popular.

    Today we have many other people to watch as well. During the 40's 50's 60's we had just Royalty, The Beetles, Elvis and Cliff.

    Today we have Royalty and hundreds of celebrities plus we also have television and the Internet so we can keep an idea on even more celebrities around the world

  20. It is because they consume much and contribute nothing.

    They are supported by sycophantic toadies and admired by the thickest in our society.

    They are an excuse for the preservation of a class society that is outdated and worthless and they also represent a bygone age of elitism.

  21. Because an increasing amount of people see them for what they are..An outrageously expensive massively corrupt regime that is answerable to no one.

  22. Because they have no purpose.  And live off the English people.  Seriously, they don't do **** at all and they get too much credit about charity.  By the way I like prince henry and williams because they are more like their mom, more down to earth.   But let face it diana charity was great, but nothing out of this world.  Now mother teresa, pure saint.

  23. I think people all prefer watching celebrities now.....maybe if the Queen went out and forgot her knickers or something then people might start taking an interest.

  24. Royal family? I thought she died in a car accident?

  25. I think it is time you did a little research on the Royal Family I think to start with you will find they are still very popular indeed the Money they receive is not for themselves but for the cost of running there households and the Minor royals do not get this it is also a fact that the Queen and other members of the Royal Family pay Tax like the rest of of us it seems to be coming a fashion on here to knock the Royal Family by people who know nothing of what they are talking about and have no knowledge of how hard the Royal Family work

  26. Both what you say, and the conspiracy to have diana killed.

    since Diana died I don't beleive in the royal family anymore, because she was the true Princess. "Owf wif er ead."

    Oh well.!!!

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