
Why is the Sun up there while were down here?

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I need to know this man???




  1. what do you mean?

    the sun is a separate celestial body.  it's a star that's really far away from the earth.

  2. Cuz the sun has to be somewhere, and its too hot for us to be there too.

  3. Because if the Sun were down here and we were up there, we would be roasted like chickens on a Bar-B-Q!

  4. The sun isn't "up" there... it's more "out" there.  It wouldn't matter if you moved the earth up, down, left or right, the sun would still appear to be "up" simply because it's faaaaar away. Anythin in space is "up", but there's really no up or down in space.

  5. Think of the meaning of your question. Let's suppose that the Sun was down here while we're up there. How would you tell the difference?

  6. Because the Sun keeps us warm right where he is at. If he decided to come here for a Pepsi or something, then we would all burn up. He knows that and we are thankful that he doesn't want to hurt us. So he goes down everyday to make sure that the people on the other side of the planet get warm too. He is such a cool Sun!

    Right on and far out!

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