
Why is the Top Governments of the World So Weak To Act?

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I asked a question a few days ago, about what people thought would happen when the Iran Deadline had passed. I made an assumption myself that said the World Powers that be would simply keep playing Iran's Refusal off, and say that they will make the sanctions more harsh but won't do anything about it.

Well the dead line is up and they have now said this "World Powers to Pursue New Sanctions on Iran".....

Pursue? Excuse me! The Deadline was this weekend, it is now Monday, there should be no Pursuing anything, they should have started automatically at 1am Monday Morning.

Why is it that the World Powers and the U.N keep repeating History over and over again? These stalling tactics give Iran the extra time they need to complete they're nuclear weapons enriching and when they are done, they will at that point "give in to the U.N's demands".....But at that point they have already achieved they're goals.

They did the same thing for Iraq, and when the United States and Great Britain could no longer wait for the U.N to keep stalling it was too late. Saddam had almost 2 years to get rid of everything.

Main Question: Why does the U.N and Powers that be continue to make the same mistake over and over again?




  1. I think you're right. We should attack Iran before it's too late.

  2. If they actually did something they could be criticized for it. Also they don't want to get involved. some countries have very close ties with Iran, and they wont let anything get through, due to veto power.

    Not every nations interests coincide, in fact very few do, and everybody has an agenda, also Bureaucrats are the most do nothing, talk about an issue until it is no longer an issue whether the outcome is good or bad, people, and the UN is comprised completely of bureaucrats.

  3. why do we want to invade every country thats against us?

    they have no power. and we know that. this nuclear power hype is created by our politicians.

    stop fighting evil with evil.

    start talking and we can meet in the middle.

    ponder upon ourselves too.

  4. I agree with you 100 percent, but I am sure the issue with an attack is legalities, I don't believe the US or Israel can just start bombing them. I think sanctions are a good utility but they need to really use them. I believe Iranian government, not the people are a risk to society. The situation would be hard to deal with being a leader.

  5. The U.S./British invasion of Iraq has p***ed off a lot of people against the western world.  Anything the west wants to do in the Middle East now has to be done very carefully.  Believe it or not, we (the west) don't have the absolute right to invade anyone because we don't like what they're doing.  We like to tell everyone that we keep nuclear bombs as a military deterrent, but we insist that no one else can have them for the same reason.  I don't trust the Iranian government any more than most people do, but I understand that the west's current stance on nuclear weapons is hypocritical.  If we keep invading countries in order to enforce our view of things on everyone, aren't we acting like imperialist aggressors?

    I don't know what we should do about the Iranian nuclear program.  We certainly can't wait for them to develop and use nukes on Isreal (or anyone else), but we also can't just push ourselves onto everyone else.  We can't even put an embargo on their oil and try to starve them into reason, because Russia and China will come to their aid.

    This is only going to get uglier before it gets any better.

  6. There is no proof they are doing of the sort as enriching fuel for nuclear weapons. quote by Russian who works at one of the plant. "I have worked on this project for years and not one person has asked me working with the Iranians has asked me how to make a nuclear grade platinuim. If they asked I would have told them out of courtesy." The Russians we see do say they are not doing what the US and Israel maintain typical politicians do they are not listening to the man on the ground. of which none have said that anything of the sort is going on. The US did not listen to others before going to an illegal war looking for WMD's when experts kept saying there is none. Seems that they made mistake then and seems they want to make the same mistakes again, that been not listen to does on the ground.  

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