
Why is the Turkish government volatile? Why don't candidates regularly finish their terms?

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Why is the Turkish government volatile? Why don't candidates regularly finish their terms?




  1. The rightist governments start thinking they ate too much... oops, sorry, start thinking being elected make them kings, and the people soon get fed up with that. If we wanted kings we would call the Osmanlı family back, you see, we wouldn't want an upstart snob acting like he is one.

    Although the expression is attempting at wit, the essence is still valid.


    PS. The left hasn't had the government singlehandedly for a long long time. They are always in coalition with some rightist at best. So my argument doesn't hold for them, because we haven't seen what they would do.

  2. Politics has its own course in every country depending on the socio-cultural atmosphere

    For instance in Italy there's not been even a single stable government serving full-term since the end of WW2.

    The Turkish government is not volatile (what sort of a hollow word is this anyway to use as a political term?) but the Turkish politics is quite dynamic.

  3. The reason why a Parliament (not candidates) and it's members can't finish a term is usually the fact that a Government consists of more than just one party  and there is disunity among the coalition partners. Another reason, which is less common, is that the governing party doesn't hold the majority of the seats but it's still the strongest party. In the latter case, the other parties can remove the Government when they can build up an alliance against the Government.

    Turkey had in many cases in the past Governments built up by a coalition and when there was a disunity, reelections was the result because without a majority in the Parliament, the Government has to resign.

    Another reason why a Government (or Parliament) can't finish a term is a ban of a party because of it's unconstitutional behaviour. This is hopefully what's going to happen within the next few weeks in Turkey...

    EDIT: A big thank you to the Sharia lover(s) who gave me 5 thumbs-down! It's the very proof that you are not compatible with democracy!

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