
Why is the U.S not responding to the Russian attack on Georgia?

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I live in California so I could care less about the south but I find it very curious the United States is not responding to the attack on Georgia. I have heard that Atlanta is a nice city but in my opinion the rest of the state is filled with swamp land and rednecks.

Do you think McCain will send in the troops when he is elected?

What do you think?




  1. i hope ur joking and georgia is just like the majority of other states. Plus its the country of Georgia, not the Georgia in the U.S.  I've been and lived in the Great Bubble of Calforeignia, I'm glad of being out of that state.

  2. Ha Ha! I get it!!

  3. Is there any oil in Atlanta or Georgia.....No.

    Russia could invade the whole South and get no response.

    If they set one foot in Texas tho'! ............

  4. LMAO!! haha! I hope you're joking, because if you weren't that's sad.

  5. prolly b/c with the wras we are fighting right now, we are not ready to add russia to the list of countries we need to deal with.  russia is only doing this to flex a little muscle and try to show the world the havent lost there power.  but we all know that russia is a dieing super power is old technology.

  6. Uncle Sam has been a world police for many decades. But  he is getting older and older in poor health in terms of economy recession, high national deficit, 2 oversea wars for 5 years, .... Maybe he can not afford to deeply get involved even he really wants to .

  7. McCain won't send in the troops, there are none to send.

    The situation puts him in an interesting bind as a candidate, because if he says we need to send troops to Georgia, then we'll need to pull troops out of Iraq quickly, which he says he won't do.  If he says he'll talk tough and do nothing, people will think that he's more chicken than more.  If he says negotiate, then he's surrendering one of his chief policy differences to Obama and admitting that Obama's argument for diplomatic engagement with hostile states is a good one.

  8. Sometimes things are being done behind the scenes to support those that are fighting for their freedom to choose, because you or I don't see this happening remember politics rules at the end of the day, this sucks but it is the way things are done, don't worry the west wants independence for Georgia, and it will come!, However it is my belief that Mr.McCain won't win for he reminds people of George W Bush, and all my instinct tells me America wants a new era, not a reminder of the old one., also remember the present war is in Asia, not south of the Mason Dixon line, look at your globe or in your geography book.

  9. CA the state of fruits and nuts.

  10. 'When' McCain is elected? You must be a republican.

  11. As it is known, Georgia has developed on August, 8th operations in unrecognized republic South Ossetia. Tskhinvali as a result of bombardments is almost destroyed, 1,6 thousand civilians were lost. Russia has been compelled to begin operation on compulsion of Georgia to the world. Preparing for an attack to South Ossetia, Georgia conducted active prospecting activity in unrecognized republic and adjoining areas of Russia. FSB has detained ten persons who are suspected of preparation of acts of terrorism. As a result of armed attack of the Georgian army to South Ossetia were lost about 1600 peace citizens, 15 peacemakers are killed, 70 more have got wounds. Russia will finish to logic end peace-making mission in South Ossetia, despite hindrances from outside the USA, throwing of Iraq to Georgia military men of the Georgian contingent. Russia, certainly, will finish the peace-making mission to logic end. Putin has noticed that the policy of the United States has double character and has reminded that "that it cut out some Shiit villages, it was necessary to hang up Saddam Hussein, of course, and present Georgian governors who have wiped suddenly from ten Osset villages, old men, alive burnt people in houses, - it is necessary to take these figures under protection!

  12. Actually, Atlanta is quite a beautiful city and the state is very lovely. You must also remember that Emory University has a top medical school as well as several important research centers. Moreover, the CDC houses important facilities on the outskirts of the city.

    As a Midwesterner, I find Southern culture to be a little different, a little too slow, but at least very polite. My grandmother was raised on Southern cooking (which perhaps explains my family's propensity towards obesity and the preponderance of food at family gatherings).

    Naturally, you do know that the Russian attack is on the Republic of Georgia, rather than the State of Georgia, but military conflicts should nonetheless concern you from a people perspective. A large portion of our armed forces personnel hail from California, partly because of the large population, and partly because of the naval and air force bases in the area. Even if geography is unimportant to you, I'd hope demographics would be.

  13. I have no idea why! We must hurry, because that's how my country was invaded. By the Russians. But no, we just wait and see and well, people are just dying and losing their homes and close ones and country while we do.

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