
Why is the U.S. so mad at russia.didnt Georgia start the fighting and then russia fought back?

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so holman i guess u think im a idiot,..if mexicans went in to lets say texas and started saying, why not become mexicans instead of americans,u say the U.S. should kill them,just like the georgia did huh?its what we call freedom of speech,




  1. South Ossetia was attacked by Georgia the day after they called a ceasefire (8-8-08) They had been attacking tiny villages in South Ossetia an independent tiny Republic that had never agreed to be part of Georgia in the first place. They had a little war with Georgia in the late 80's and in 1992 signed a treaty with Georgia which Georgia broke after 17 years by attacking them a couple weeks ago.

    Russia went to the UN on 8-7-08 to ask for help for the Ossetians ...before kicking the Georgians out on the 9th. The UN declined help because the US did not want the ceasefire to include language that would preclude further military attacks by the Georgians.


  2. Well, NO.  We are mad because Russia has been fomenting rebellion in South Ossetia and Abkhazia for several years, and then when Georgia attempted to reassert control over those areas which are clearly part of her internationally recognized territorial borders, Russia decided to invade Georgia.





  3. Holman, take your bollocks and push them up your butt. As for the question, The US prefers to see russia as a poor and weak country and now, as we finally become something normal, they want to stall it. The NATO expansion to the EAST is already a violation of a 1989 treaty that said "no reason for USSR to be afraid of further nato expansion" , but the expansion is happening. Is that how you thank us for losing 27 million people (at least) and breaking the back of Hitler????? 10 Russian peacekeepers were attacked and killed in the first day in osetian conflict, ON PURPOSE, and that is enough reason for us to bomb and nuke those idiots back to the stone age. Half of their country's population comes to my Home City (Moscow), the capital of Russia and takes over the best jobs, prettiest women and best apartments before I even get the chance to get them!! I say slaughter them all.

  4. Georgia attacked first, yes. But didnt attack Russia. The break away provinces had rebel armies that were (and have been ) attacking Georgia. There may have been something that happened we are not aware of that provoked Georgia. But for Russia to get involved in a civil war (and thats what it would be) to the point that it wipes out the whole country is absurd. Russia shouldnt have been in the provinces to begin with, especially since Georgia told them to leave.

    I am not sure what caused Georgia to attack, but Georiga is not a war-hungry nation, it must have been provoked pretty badly.  

  5. US was mad at Russia from the first days of conflict, not because Russians didnt cease the fire as they said. They did, but then "HALF"-military mission from US to Georgia (to support genocide againist South Ossetia) .....where is the logic?  ....after all media lies for few days in the entire country-twisting the truth that Russia invaded Georgia. ....long story short: cause US was interested and gave OK to georgians to attack South Ossetia, there is evidence of that. i guess the plan didnt work out, ah? ....even US know that already,


    AND PLZZZ, PEOPLE GEORGIA DIDNT ATTACKED REBELS, THEY ATTACKED ("fire-worked") AT NIGHT CIVILIANS AND 2000 CIVILIANS DIED after lying for few days to the whole nation about what happend, US found a nice exit from the situation: georgians attacked rebels... such a C.R.A.P. !! .....or u believe US citizens who was cought there, in south ossetia are REBELS? ...ridiculous

    Visor, i already understood ur point, ..long ago

    "shame" do u know even the meaning of this word?

    "nobody buy it", and if i will tell u that i know it from my family back there, WTF will be ur answer??  UN disapproved to stop genocide, when was asked for, so it says all about UN, and nothing about matter of its presence or not

    .... and for the last: u and me, not for a first time (!), have not only different views on historical events, but on morals and patriotism too, so i am asking u, for the future, to reply streight to the questioner and just skip my answer if u can not stay without commenting it, to avoid a "cross-fire", ok?

    Source: respect and peace

    PS: "nobody ever seen"?? why dont u go there for urself and SEE, ah? ...oh, yes u can NOT see it now, because on the first day after 10 cities were bombed and completely distructed, georgians rolled ever the ruins with their tanks, so if any left under there (the people injured, unconcious, disable) will be dead for sure ( the ruins and flesh became one, if u r missing my point..). Wanna some more? ..why dont u try to pull it to a granmother who have to bury her grand son in her garden, and all the time in grief, she spent watching it from her window of her basement, cause couldn't get out, scared by georgian butchers DID U COUNTED HER GRANDSON TOO?      ....MORE?  may be u want to count a pregnant woman running away with 2 children, who was rolled over By georgian tank (it makes them 4 with her unborn child, did u count them too?), ..or may be 15 boys, peace keepers, who died there after Saakashvili, the dog, signed for a peace?  

    ...and for ur record Russia was giving passports to South Ossetians since 1996. ..such a nice analogy you make, "truth seeker" aren't u? ))))

    Thank God i didnt loose any one there, but in difference with you i am able to "walk in those people shoes", and for u, if WW 2 was something like "taking over the Europe by USSR" there is nothing i have to discuss with you (i'm very surprised how u didnt pull out, that in 1812 Russians invited Napoleon for a cup of tea, and then kicked him out of Moscow starving, or that WW 1 was Nickolay the 2 idea..) Guys like u will write after US saved the world from WW 3, just to make US citizens do never stop hating russians

    WE ARE VERY DIFFERENT, ur "chair-talk" about victims of genocide and war, like they are some kind of furniture, is a disgrace.

    The ones who gave their lives, so you can sit here and talk some c**p about them and what happend, will meet u above... where we all be at the end of the way, have thought about that?

  6. georgia diddent attack russia they attacked rebels and russia attacked georgia, the russians will send out propaganda because thats what they do, they're experts at that and it seems its working this time

  7. I've answered this so many times I've resorted to this.

    Read this:

    Watch this:


    And the short answer to your question is:  No.  You've got it backwards.  Try watching the news or use the internet for something besides p**n.

  8. Because the US did not expect Russia to respond as the did and show to the world that the US is not the all supreme power they boast to be .

  9. Yes, that's true. But the US backs the Georgian gov with money and support so even though the government was wrong, Bush has to twist the truth to make Russia the bad guys instead of our ally. Typical.

  10. The U.S.A. is mad at Russia because Russia responded with heavy attacks and didn't leave when they said they would. However, Georgia did start the whole thing. They brought it upon themselves.

  11. To Lucky - Have some shame or grow a little bit of conscience already? Your "2000 civilian dead" BS has been disproved by HRW, LA times, even on many Russian sites nobody buys it.

    It was 44 dead which includes both, civilian and military during 3 days of fighting, and for now nobody knows for sure how many of those  44 were killed by Georgian bombing and how many were killed by 200 Russian airplanes bombing Tskhinvali to liberate it.. 44, not 1600 reported by Russian media and not 2000 reported by you dozens of times.

    To doctorpain - To continue your analogy, those Mexicans you mention, let's call them separatists, would be armed by official Mexico and financed by Mexico, never officially admitted though. Considering that from one side it's US and another side it's Mexico it'd be very hard to guess whre did separatists get tanks, artillery and other equipment right?

    Separatists wouldn't obey American laws, would deny US police and army the right to enter the territory they live in. Simply shoot at them every time they approach.

    And on top of that, first thing they'd do is start killing local US population, looting and burning their houses. In an event when those Mexicans became under the threat from US law enforcement or army, Mexico would intervene militarily. Obviously those events would drive US civilians population out of the area.

    Thus, you'd have a region which is now 99% Mexican, and interestingly enough they are all for joining Mexico.

    The rest of the US would be really unhappy, but Mexico intervenes again and brokers the truce, appointing itself as a peacekeeper.

    Again, US population will be very unhappy, because this feels like mocking, Mexico armed those guys, helped financially, with arms and fought on the side of separatists many times against US army, law enforcement and now the same Mexico is playing role of a peacekeeper? But what can you do, Mexico is much stronger,you have no choice.

    Oh and to make US feel better separatists would hold a referendum to express the will of the free people and ask Mexico to let them join.

    For the next 15 years those separatist Mexicans would be shooting at Americans every other day and last week they'd be shooting and shelling nearby US towns daily.

    Official peacekeeping forces would not do anything to prevent shootings by Separatists at US civilians on the borders.

    Once or twice a year Mexican air force would bomb US territories randomly, most of the time  denying it and would admit bombings couple times, explaining that they bombed US by accident.

    The last one sounds like a bad joke, but Russia indeed bombed Georgia several times using its air force and last one was explained as an "accident".

    And 2-3 years before that Mexico would've handed out Mexican passports. Well, in your model they're already Mexicans, but  in real world Ossetin separatists were neither ethnic Russians, nor Russian citizens. So, to make at lease some kind of an excuse Russia did gave them Russian passports in violation of the Russian law.

    Then last week US would try to restore the order and disarm separatists. Mexico would strike back, occupying half of US, looting and killing wherever they'd go.

    So, now replace separatists with Ossetia, Mexico with Russia and US with Georgia.You get the picture, right?

    In real world US those separatists would've been annihilated  day one, when they'd get the first shipment of arms.

    You loose all your rights and claims about freedom and free speech the moment you start your freedom campaign by killings and looting to drive local population out to get yourself as a majority.

    P.S. To Lucky - I'm sincerely sorry if you have lost someone in there. I said few times there is no justification for civilian losses from either side.

    However, truth is the truth and several independent sources confirm the same thing, nobody has ever seen 2000 dead in there or even 1600. everyone refers to "someone" who saw it and told the story. 2000 bodies isn't something you hide easily in the middle of the fight. Spreading that kind of lie doesn't help anybody's cause.

    Dude, HRW said 44 dead, LA times went in and verified with OSSETIN doctors. They gave the same number. Independent Russian sources confirm that Russian media grossly inflated casualties to manipulate public opinion.

    Official Russia and S.O. can't produce ANY evidence of 1600 dead. Why should I believe you or Russian claims about 1600 dead after all that? It's a war and propaganda is a tool in that war. Of course Russia needs to demonize Georgia and any lies are good for that now.

    I didn't hear you protesting when S.O. president Kokoiti openly admitted demolishing Georgian villages and refused to let Georgian refugees in.

    You guys accuse Georgia of Genocide and ethnic cleansing, and so far no evidence to prove genocide, and what Kokoiti did is 100% ethnic cleansing...

  12. No, Georgia was attacking separatists with in their own country, then Russia invaded Georgia for political reasons with protecting the separatists as a guise for their real motives.  

  13. the u.s. is angry because they said they would have a cease fire monday and nothing like it has stopped them the country georgie has said they would. but they (russia) is coming again full forces and being mean and nope they went into this war cause they want them to be dependent on them but they have been independet since 91.

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