
Why is the U.S. unpopular in Latin America?

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I can understand that America's actions in the Middle East has attributed to the rise of anti-Americanism in the Middle East. But why is anti-Americanism high in Latin America?

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  1. It's our foreign policy over the last 50 years...

  2. The U.S. is NOT unpopular in Latin America. In fact, there are very FEW Countries in the World whose People don't like OR don't Welcome Americans! It's President BUSH that most of the World CAN'T STAND ! His stance on Iraq, Global Warming, His Heavy Handed attitude towards other Countries- Inflames THEM against Us ! Even many of Our Allies in the World- have Calendars in their Embassys, that are counting down the Days til Bush leaves Office HERE- next January 20th !!! Richard NIXON wasn't as Unpopular with the rest of the World on the day he resigned from Office- as Bush is Now !!! You Watch; on the Day our NEW President takes Office- the Cheering & Hugging will be going on AROUND the World !  :)

  3. The US is not unpopular in latin america. at least not with the people. I've traveled all over central and south america and have been welcomed with open arms. some of the dictator goverments spew hate and anger to make themselves look important (hello Chavez); but the majority of the people are very friendly and they are confused about the US media. They know more about whats going on in the US than most of the people here

  4. America has been the big brother of Latin America since Spain bowed out of the picture.  (Remember the Spanish America war?)  Like any big brother we protect in a time of crisis, but sometimes tease, bully or mainipulate in times of peace.

    For example:

    Panama Canal:  We helped Panama gain independence from Columbia so we could dig a hole all the way across their country to increase our trade.

    Nicaragua civil war Reagan Administration:  We provided guns, etc to rebels to replace the government of the country.


    Like all little brothers Latin America looks up to us, fears us, and sometimes hates us.

  5. i just laugh about stories like that. the media outside and within the US is spreading nonsense like that and much more. try to find out yourself what you like and dislike. the media should never be your source of judgment on anything..... in my opinion, the US is still the best place on earth. (I'm born in Austria, live in California for 24 years now and have been traveling to many countries for business and pleasure!)

  6. I do not think the Americans are disliked in Latin America. I am from Sao Paulo City and there are many Americans living here, and we treat them as being one of us. However, there are some Brazilians which believe that the U.S. will action against Brazil one day, because of our Amazon Forest. But do not worry about that, because we love American people, but we sometimes disagree with the American Government in some points.

  7. During the Cold War, the U.S supported dictatorship in Latin American countries in order to prevent the spread of communism. Since most of those dictators are dead or exiled, the new governments are trying to go against the U.S policies. They resent that the U.S, once, used its power to support the dictators.

    Well, I think that's the main reason why Latin-American countries don't want the intervention of the U.S in their government. (in other words, they don't want to be the 'dogs' of the United States)

    This is a very personal opinion. However, I assure you that it's not based on a fallacy. I was educated in a South American country, so I know the history of these countries. I learned it from school.

  8. I think its just jeliousy. US is a free country. Im latina b.t.w.

  9. Uau!This is the first time I have ever seen something like that!

    I'm brazilian and let me tell you something:

    Here, people LOVE United States and dream about living there!

    We have so much american influence here that it's almost like we are living there!

    We watch americans, we listen american songs, we eat american stuff, we only see american news on TV, we only like americans celebrities, we learn English everyday at school (besides it's very weak and we have to pay for it), ................Why do you say that?

    USA is very popular here...And you don't know HOW!

    Everybody is watching LOST, Hannah Montana and listening to Jonas Brothers....


    Do you want something more?

  10. It is not americANS that they dislike (well some of them are ugly americans and some are not)....and it is not necessarily even americA that they don't like....but it is the policies of the USA.  So many people want the freedoms and the opportunity of the USA, but not the culture and the life.  so very many of them prefer their own and resent it when we call ourselves superior.

    one of the other posts mentions the US policies of the past 50 goes back farther than that.

    my friends in el salvador blame reagan for prolonging the civil war there....and in nicaragua, we had military troops there in 1914 (that is why baseball is so popular there).  we controlled the panama canal for nearly it's first 100 years (read how we gained control of it and how carter did the right thing to let it go).  

    pinochet was our friend as were the murderous military leaders in argentina in the 1970s.  venezuela's leader enjoys 1/2 of his country's support and 1/2 of the people hate him....and we hate him and supported his overthrowing (the US and el salvador were the only countries in the world that supported the coup d' etat.

    that is for starters.

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