
Why is the UK Letting Islam Take Over?

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Why is the UK Letting Islam Take Over?




  1. I don't think they let them...they are just overwhelmed by them.

  2. I think that the UK and the US are attempting to be open societies and to be respectful and accepting of diverse cultures.

    It is true that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to succeed.  However, we cannot allow the ones who will not or cannot contribute to the productivity of a culture to overwhelm the services that the contributors can provide.

    At some point, some judicial restrictions may need to be applied in order to stave off financial and social chaos.

    The concept that everyone deserves an equal opportunity is valid.  However, that concept cannot be interpreted as a mandate for mindless equality in terms of unrestricted entitlements for all.

    If and when social service requirements exceed resources,which we can apply to this activity, we will quickly and forcefully mandate changes.

  3. Your question makes little sense. Take over what exactly? Take over from Christianity? Take over the government? Take over the minds of the UK's population? Taking over the country by force of population by immigration?

    If you are referring to any of the the above then, with all due respect, you are wrong.  If perhaps you are referring to the UK's policy on immigration or maybe religious toleration, then I can assure you that while the first is controlled, the second is a very good thing for everyone concerned, regardless of religion or lack of it.

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