
Why is the UK still a kingdom? why are people still sticking to the monarchy? Isn't it time for change?

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What does keeping a queen or king as head of state means to the UK? is it pride? is it preservation of superiority and identity? what is it?




  1. As a Canadian of English heritage, I think it's about time we held a referendum to get rid of the Queen as our head of state. She serves no purpose and costs the taxpayers alot of money to keep up the pagentry and traditions of the Govenor General and his/her Lieutenents. This money could go into social programs and housing. It's about time we woke up and became a Republic.

  2. Its tradition. and its a safety valve. The monarch still has the power to override the authority of the prime minister.

    In the US for example the president has absolute power. In the UK the queen doesent interfere in the affairs of government but has the option to step in should things get out of hand.

    Its kind of comforting to know she's there.

  3. a monarchy allows for continuity of stable government and is a valuable resource for political leaders.

    it also gives an identity to a nation.

    our royal family, despite their antics, bring in a huge amount of tourism - in fact, i guess they generate more income than is spent by them.

    whereas a president involves himself in law making - something the monarchy extremely rarely does.  if they did unjustifiably, parliament would overule them.

  4. It's not really a monarchy anymore.

  5. Why does being a republic mean so much to you? What makes it somuch better?

  6. I would happily get rid of the monarchy, and I believe a majority of the people would like to. But no one ever asks.

    The usual mantra of the monarchist is "they attract toursits" but this argument clearly is nonsense. Tourists may come to see the palaces, which would still exist after abolition, but I have serious doubts that any tourits come with a genuine expectation to see the queen or any of her family. Any who do will leave sorely disappointed.

  7. I assume this question is aimed primarily on British people...As I'm not one of them I can only say this: a republic is also tradition, so if one nation doesn't have republican tradition constitutional troubles may easily occur...the changes to the entire long established system may take a lot of time and in the end they don't guarantee any improvement, so why not retain a monarchy ?!

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