
Why is the UN supporting the persecution of men?

by Guest66863  |  earlier

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The UN says its purpose is to "to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women..."

Fine words. But why then does the UN support anti-male laws such as those introduced to India in 2006 where a man can be jailed for insulting any female relative

"The Lawyers Collective, one of the groups that led the campaign [to create the 2006 Indian domestic violence laws] will now use a grant by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women to help the Indian legal system adjust the ways it handles domestic abuse cases"

Why is the UN doing the opposite of its stated function when it comes to men?




  1. The UN has become a massive soul-less fascist burocracy. It needs to be dismantled now before causing further damage to humanity.

  2. So the passage of laws to stop throwing women out their home for anything, being beaten for almost no reason or no longer allowing men to be verbally abusive is anti-man?

    I think it's a passage of a law that makes these men have to be HUMANE.

  3. I'm confused.  What is anti-male about a law that punishes a person for violating another's human rights?

    Are you condoning acts of abuse against women in India?

    <What's with the TDs?  I'm asking for clarification here....>

  4. I can see it becoming the same nightmare as other places.... over-compensation based on sensualism. Something needed to be done fast and strong because of violence, but you must also consider what future changes can come about. India may end up swinging from being awful towards women to being sexist towards men.. but it will probably take a while.

    Edit: Basically, the 2nd link says that if you speak loudly to a woman, she can have you thrown in jail. A woman put an exclamation point on one of my answers... should that woman go to jail? Imagine when gender relations are normalized in the future and women are having men thrown in jail just for 'talking back to them'.

    The 3rd link is a measure for violence against women. What about men? Why not make domestic violence itself wrong... not just against women? Here(in the US), we have these same sexist laws against men. One day they will be saying 'woman power' like they have here in the US. And abused men will have nowhere to go ( )

    I find it amazing how sexism towards men is so ingrained in our culture, that many are blind to it. It's just 'okay'.

  5. from your link -

    Crucially, the rules also ban husbands from harassing their wives for larger dowry payments, in an attempt to bring to an end the thousands of cases in which women are beaten or burned to death because their families did not provide a big enough dowry.

    But much of the country remains conservative, and domestic violence has continued to be a major problem often left ignored.

    A U.N. Population Fund report claimed that up to 70 per cent of married women aged 15-49 in India are victims of beatings or coerced s*x.

    The makers of the new law have made provisions for abused women to complain directly to judges instead of police, who often side with men and rarely act on abuse complaints by women. Now, when a woman files a complaint the onus is on the man to prove that he did not abuse his wife.

    What DONT you get? Men, because of gender roles/norms have been abusing women.

    IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY in developing countries where gender roles are so far skewed that you'd have Women battering Men.

    The current research on symetrical DV is based on WESTERN COUNTRIES. At that, it is based on common couple conflict (hitting, throwing things) NOT battering. ER room records & police records CONFIRM that women are STILL the ones on the receiving end of serious abuse.


    Sorry to tell you men are still the batterer  - not to say all men - not to say these men are not still love & protected (evidenced by the lack of women who make charges against them)......

    Men who have been abusive should be got a problem with that? Anti-male laws???? you want a right to beat, kill, light your wife on fire?????

    join the human race, will you?

  6. this is not anti-man. this is to help women in india where there is a lot of domestic violence and women are treated like second-class citizens.

    i don't see how you could claim otherwise!

    the "shouting loudly" thing: i take it as if a man screams at his wife/girlfriend to the point of emotional abuse, but i also question the bias of the person writing and if that is actually true.

  7. Finally women get the upper hand and now men are crying boo hoo. How does it feel. Women have been persecuted by men for centuries and still are.

  8. I don't see this as persecution of men, but rather holding these men responsible for their actions. Indian women were vilified for pretty much anything and these laws will help them survive.

    This is NOT anti-men.

    The new law protects all members of a household, and it embraces the definition of violence adopted by the United Nations as being any form of abuse, whether emotional, physical, sexual or verbal. It also offers a wide range of new protection measures: injunctions, protection orders, and maintenance and custody orders. The common practice of throwing a married woman out of her home is now illegal, and while there is still no law making marital rape a crime, the 2005 act opens the door to make it so.

    EDIT - A man can be jailed for 12 months for an insult - this is NOT a domestic violence issue.

    This should not be happening. Men should NOT be jailed for this. I agree with you on that.

  9. There would be no need for any law if people treated others humanely.  I guess that these laws are a reaction to male on female violence and exploitation.  So stop acting silly.  I am sure you do not want men treating YOUR female relatives unjustly.

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