
Why is the US Dollar so weak right now?

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Why is the US Dollar so weak right now?




  1. Because the Federal reserve is printing money so fast with no value to save the banks . Or some banks . Now there is so much money out there other countries are ridding them selves of dollars at a steady pace so what they have left they can still get rid of .

  2. National debt.  To pay for it we print dollars.  However, when we do that we risk inflation- our dollar's value goes down everytime we print too many.  So, with higher number of printed currency, our dollar's financial value goes down.

    The trade deficit is another cause of the dollar being weak.  I'm not completely sure why on this but I believe because people are (investors) thinking the dollar's value will go down more so they have sold their dollars.  More dollars sold is bad.  That makes the dollar have less value. Hope I helped at least a :) little. :D

    There are other reasons probably but I think I listed the main ones- chief cause is national debt (for dollar losing value).

  3. The biggest reason is the war wasnt funded through raising taxes or cutting other spending. The fall of the dollar is a worldwide indirect tax on anyone holding dollars to fund the war.

  4. The US dollar is weak because the US government has to borrow money to finance the national debt.  The financing comes from foreign countries, the largest being China.  A weak dollar leads to the US being competitive in shipping domestic items overseas but makes imports more expensive (such as oil).

  5. The value of any currency, in ANY trade realm, is immediately based on how much of that currency there is. If there are a lot of it, then it is worth less than it otherwise would be. If there is less of it, then it's worth more.

    This is true domestically. If the US prints way too many dollars, then we get inflation. Inflation is a "weak dollar" inside the country.

    Likewise, if there are way too many dollars in foreign markets, then the dollar will be worth less, compared to other currencies that still have their old amount in the foreign exchange markets.

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