
Why is the US economy looking so weak?

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So I've been reading some articles and I'd like to know why our economy is looking so weak. I understand that we have around a 10 trillion dollar debt in the form of bonds given to countries like China to fund the war. Can someone add a little more detail however, on how all the economic "processes" work, such as a weakening dollar. What exactly is inflation and how does it happen. Will our economy ever rebound to be as strong as it was before? And will the dollar be one of the strongest currencies again?




  1. First, that's too many questions - try sticking to one-per!

    There are several basic reasons our economy (and our country) is weak.  The one which has the largest impact is expansion of our money supply by the Fed.  It's taking our dollar down down down, that's inflation.  So whatever dollars we have buy less and less.  

    But note that in part the Fed is expanding the money supply to support deficit spending, for socialism and war in particular.  Unfortunately, Obama and McCain were part of the cause as Senators, and neither is proposing taking the hatchet to their budget priorities.  And notice that both of them are avoiding addressing this lone largest issue.

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