
Why is the US$ still at $6.2? when it is falling against the Euro and the price of oilis $102.54/bar?

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It just seems to me (small person in the street) that if our oil revenues increase, that the CB would no longer need to regulate (float) our currency against the US$ any more and the rate should drop to about $4. Or is it that our gov't isn't putting this increase into our reserves.




  1. Countries that want to do business with the US often link the currencies.  Japan, Korea, China export a lot to US.  The dollar changes very little as goods from these countries will cost more in the US.  I imagine T&T depends a lot on  tourists.  If tourists see their purchasing power dropping in T&T, they may go to Mexico instead.  It is a global ecomony.

  2. I don't think that T&T depends heavily on tourists at all.

    I also think that the U.S $ should drop to at least $5, and it could be a bad thing to have our tt$ pegged to the u.s$ seeing they are going through an economic slump right now, but!!!!

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