
Why is the USA showing more and more symptons of being a third world country???

by Guest67035  |  earlier

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  1. Because we try to elect people like Obama

  2. ms-13 had great training

    ultimatley, it maps back to 'school of the americas'

    a very ugly story, all the way around

    'blowback' as ron paul would say

    combined with open borders and asinine 'sanctuary cities', deadly

  3. mexicans is one reason and starting wars with people is another idiots

  4. Before I even clicked on the article, I immediately thought "because of open borders".

    Thanks for verifying that for me.

  5. Well since 9-11 we have given up our constitutional rights.America is fast becoming a police state. 1076 of the John Warner Defense Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2007 grants the president the right to commandeer federal troops or state National Guard to use them domestically.The Patriot Act.We have taken God out of our schools and hide Him from sight due to persecution,PC. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall

    enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an

    impartial jury of the State and district wherein the

    crime shall have been committed;All you have to do is look at Ramos and Campeon sitting in jail courtesy of the Mexican Gov't.*Awell regulated Militia, being necessary to

    the security of a free State, the right of the people

    to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  6. Because thanks to the North American Union we've allowed the invasion of a 3rd world country, Mexico specifically.

  7. It's San Francisco, what can you expect.

  8. Not where I am. We are blessed. Move, maybe its your town.

  9. Idk man U.S.A is a 3rd world. Im from Russia. So we are blessed. And are more respected.

  10. that doesn't mean we are turning into a 3rd world country.

    the MS-13 gang really sucks doesn't it ?

    even the crips and the bloods fear those guys.

    they are more like terrorists than gang members.


    do you know why we rank 29th and slipping

    Socialist Countries are pulling out ahead !!

    Socialist countries with socialized medicine

  11. illegal immigration..US is becoming a filthy dirty country like Mexico.. homeless population is higher than ever.. people are starving due to lack of jobs, economy.. people unable to get sufficient healthcare due to lack of insurance

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