
Why is the United Nations financing the persecution of men?

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In India a man can be jailed for insulting his wife or any female relative, because insults are now considered 'domestic violence' by law

In order to make sure this law is enforced: "The Lawyers Collective, one of the groups that led the campaign [to create the domestic violence laws] will now use a grant by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women to help the Indian legal system adjust the ways it handles domestic abuse cases"

If the UN is for peace and justice, why do they financially support such obviously severe and sexist laws? Shouldn't UNIFEM (the UN Development Fund for Women) be concentrating on making life better for women than focusing on making life harsher for men?




  1. "use a grant by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women to help the Indian legal system adjust the ways it handles domestic abuse cases"

    How is this financing the persecution of men?  It is financing the end to domestic violence in India.  Aren't the Indian people the best judge of what constitutes domestic violence in their country?  Why do you think that you are a better judge than the Indian people?

  2. I live in India, and all I find in the first answers (barring the second) to this question is more misinformation and falsehoods about India. Sati stopped a century ago. Dowry, s*x-selective abortion and DV are outlawed. Not all Indians can't do the Indian Rope Trick and we can't sleep on nails.

    Now that the myth-busting is over, the facts. The anti-Dowry law is very, very famous because 98% of the cases registered under it were false accusations, and the 2011 Census is going to find the Domestic Violence Act in India going the same way.

    This really has to make you think about how oppressed women really are, because I see many feminist falsehoods about the wage gap and stuff in foreign media. It is interesting people think Sati still happens, because the feminist media in my country would leap on it at once and report it everyday till a new Act was passed. And it hasn't. They've stressed on an inexistent wage gap before. They've got a '1 in 6' going around. So the fact that Sati hasn't been reported since I was born means something.

    And only idiots would think foreign media can catch things about India Indian media can't. I see foreign interpretations of Indian culture making India look patriarchal. I pity the fools who buy this, because unless they live in India, they can't understand the culture. We find women getting drunk, violent or dating before finishing college quite appalling, and with good reason. 'Freedom' for us doesn't mean that everybody should behave irresponsibly. I bet women would be in no hurry to ape men if men jumped into wells and drowned in hordes. Why are they so desperate to ape male drunks and criminals? It isn't freedom, it's indiscipline.

    I live here, knowing much about Western media and the outlook, and I find even the USA is a patriarchy if I think the western way. And with VAWA, divorce, twisted stats, and men having no reproductive rights, that says something.

    I wouldn't be too hasty in trusting the media about feminism, especially if it concerns another country.

    EDIT: Seraphine, "Why do you think that you are a better judge than the Indian people?"

    My question exactly. Why do people imagine India is a patriarchy when they don't live here? Does the UN really understand the problems of all its members?

    However, I didn't appreciate this close-mindedness very much:

    "How is this financing the persecution of men?"

    You clearly took the quote at face value and didn't read the article. Never take anything regarding feminism at face value, even if it adheres to so-called 'logic'. The truth is deeper than that. Anti-feminists don't claim that their ideas are 'a mixture of deep and intricate theories and philosophies that only proper anti-feminist education can help you understand' like feminists do, but we also don't say the average kindergartener can understand this.

    Watch the linked videos and pay attention. 98% of the cases registered under a similar Indian Act (The Anti-Dowry Law to be precise) were false accusations made by spiteful women.

    EDIT: Maybe it is worth mentioning to an extent that if the wife gets drunk and commits a crime or does something silly, the husband is always responsible in India. And PMS and Battered Woman Syndrome, which can never be disproved, are perfect excuses for women to pursue a job in the serial killng industry. Andrea Yates and Mary Winkler anyone? This is freedom without responsibility, and I'm sure you're against that.

    I got the point, but that is ONE sati in 2006, and the woman did it voluntarily. Nobody pushed her in the fire. Let women burn themselves if they want to. Why the fuss? If they should be allowed to drink alcohol in litres, they can do it the quickfire way too.

    And you missed this:

    "Cases of sati are very rare in India."

    You make it sound like it happens everyday, ("sati still occurs in rural areas"). It is already outlawed, so what else do you want? If you think 2 sati cases in 6 years is too much, what do you propose we do to stop women jumping into funeral pyres themselves? That would be against choice for women.

    But since you support misandrist laws, I suppose the idea of jailing all the men in the village for a woman committing suicide sounds appealing to you.

    The other one is from 2002, and the famously feminist media in my country hasn't reported sati since I started following the news regularly, and that was in 2004. That speaks volumes about how common it is.

    Dowry was promoted just like you are promoting sati (exaggerating the reports of its occurences), and the sheer number of false accusations in the Dowry Act speak volumes about how common it really was. It was a huge, huge difference from what it was projected and what it was thought to be. I have a strange feeling DV is going to go the same way. It did in the USA.

    And I'd take what the the media says about feminism carefully if I were you. Everybody focuses on DV, wage gap and 1 in 6 is promoted in India like 1 in 4 was in the USA, only that nobody can argue in India. They get stoned to death if they do. We all know about the wage gap and 1 in 4 in the USA.

    The laws are too severe. I just can't accept calling my wife a nag as domestic violence. If she can call me what she wants and blow my cash while I do all the work, I am very justified in calling her a lazy b*tch.

    Even if men do call women names for no reason, how does that equate to domestic violence? Are females so emotionally weak and unstable (contrary to what feminists promote) that they can't take insults?

    If you want to behave like a man (drunk, disorderly, violent), then get ready to be treated like a man. No crying pansies over the big bad name-caller should be heard, and as men are told to endure the big bad name-callers, women should too. Women aren't kindergarten kids. Sounds hard, huh? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    I know I take a lot of insults, most of it from the opposite s*x. I don't think they should go to jail for being immature. What about you? A lot of feminists who emailed me should be behind bars if you agree.

  3. I think it's a good thing, so long as the money is spent where it is actually needed and doesn't end up in someone's pocket.

    Undertaker > sati still occurs in rural areas.

    Domestic violence is widespread in India.

    And why is there more outrage over women drinking than men? If they are equal they should be equally allowed to get drunk if they want to.

  4. You're joking, right. India has a long and well-documented history of treating women like second-class citizens. British occupiers, for example, found the practice of sati, or widow-suicide, in which widows were encouraged to jump in their husbands' funeral fires, widespread.

    "FAQ: Why are you concentrating on X when Y is so much more important?"

  5. The UN succeeded the League of Nations and the objectives were to stop countries from getting too big for their boots. They failed dismally with Germany and now they're failing with the US.

    Truth to tell, the UN has grown into one massive fascist burocracy. It's become an out-of-control monster which has pretentions to global dictatorship.

  6. I think maybe they are being a little extreme, but you have to remember verbal assault is abuse to.

  7. I'm guessing Jim that you've never been to India.

  8. If feminist groups can promote women by causing men to suffer, it's a win-win for them.

  9. I think the ONLY kind of man who needs to feel persecuted by any of these laws is the kind of "man" who is as guilty as sin of abuse be it mental, physical or other, and therefore if any man is innocent and has a clear slate/ concience, he has absolutely nothing to fear from any law that is out there to protect the defenseless. But a guilty man will continually be obsessed with what could happen to him if the law catches up to his deeds.

  10. it is because there cause is spreading to aid those in need to problems through out the world that women face,however, it is also going to far in that the laws are being placed to try and stop it before it can become a violent crime. It is the same as convicting a guy for rape based on the fact that he is a male and asked for s*x when unwanted but could turn into a rapist.......... get my point. even though such a law is not yet in force i bet it will be soon in one or more of these countries. any ways that's not the point here , what is is that it is a staging grounds for this agenda and trust me here it will spread and eventually come to even the US soon as it is heavily supported so get ready to be jailed for a argument with the wife or girl friend. i have been saying this for over a week now ......... it is only a mater of time that we become under there total control......... do not marry it is a scam.

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