
Why is the United States facing an energy crisis or a shortage of energy?

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i thought that energy could not be created or destroyed




  1. Big businesses leaving too many lights on when they're closed.  That's one reason.  Another is America is too reliant on oil.

  2. If we had listened to Jimmy Carter in the late 70s, we wouldn't.

    HE said that we were addicted to oil back then and wanted to get the country on both a conservation and a new energy development programs.

    And then along came Reagan ...

  3. because they are energy hogs. the united states and china use more energy than the rest of the world combined! The united states alone uses more energy than any other single country. they need use better cheaper more readily available fuels oil is to expensive (despite being cheaper for Americas than else ware).

  4. Because the democrats will not allow drilling for oil in the U.S.

  5. The short answer is easy - China and India are monstrous societies just beginning to industrialize.  As more countries do the same, worldwide energy supplies are bound to tighten.

    Couple this with our inability to overcome the regressive domestic politics (and incessant lawsuits) of the environmental lobby, which severely restrict our abilities to increase supply, and you have rising prices and "shortages".

    However, one axiom of economic law is this -  The solution to high prices is high prices.

    If we let markets operate freely, investment dollars will flow to solving this problem.  We can easily overcome this bump in the road.

  6. Because they use more than they produce.

  7. I wasn't aware that we were.  There is no shortage of energy where I live.  Do you have any data to support your claim?

  8. oil companies block alternative energy discoveries

  9. Because instead of investing money in renewable resources, they are spending all their money on the war.  They are putting their faith in oil(I mean the government).  It is very sad.  If they built some wind turbines or turbines in the ocean, they could have plenty of energy and in a decade or so it would be more affordable than natural gas or oil.  But hey there isn't money in it right(I am being sarcastic, it would save lot's of money in the end, but the oil companies would not give money to the president or his friends then).

    Energy cannot be created, it just exists.  When you use oil you burn it and it turns in to carbon.  Oil cannot remake itself.  when there is no more oil, that type of energy will cease to exist.

    Renewable energy is wind power or solar power,  it will never cease to exist(well unless the sun burns out, but there would always be wind)

  10. We consume too much.

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