
Why is the United States lagging behind other Western nations socially and economically?

by Guest57247  |  earlier

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g*y marriage and Universal Healthcare are still major issues here. In Canada, they resolved those issues years ago. The canadian dollar and the euro are worth more than the american dollar. Why are we so far behind?




  1. Because for the past eight years we've been governed by a gang of war-mongering thugs who have put American taxpayers $9.7 TRILLION in debt due to reckless fiscal policies; whose blatant disregard for our Constitution has created an American police state where citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent; where a 'wink-wink' compliant government allows corporations to break the law without government complaint; and where an idiot-driven administration has plundered, raped and pillaged another sovereign nation (that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the U.S.) so that a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers can become wealthier and more powerful.  -RKO-  08/16/08

  2. Because g*y Marriages are no right, and in a Christian country, are not acceptable and Universal Health Care will do nothing buy give health care to illegals and those who can't afford it, and make the quality of care go down.  WHy do you think Canadians come to the US to get their surgeries done?

  3. First, universal healthcare is only available in a small handful of other countries, so america is not lagging behind at all, in fact obama has says he wishes for more universal healthcare.

    Also, a poor dollar is no way to base how well america is economically.  Your not lagging behind, there is very limited evidence that america is in recession, whereas, The EU economy shrunk by .2% (another quarter of this and that's a recession). Most economists belive that America will be recovering from the credit crunch much earlier than other western econemies.

    So your not. Also, on a social level, you have a far better sense of national worth than most other countries. that is why you have sustained more immigration- the immigrants have intergrated and most would call themselves "american".

  4. Because:

    A) Socially: We are moving more toward the status of third world country because the socialist educational system that has taken over our institutions of higher learning are trying to bring about a "one world, one government" utopia, like the one envisioned by Karl Marks, the father of communism. Our so-called "educated" children, many found on this site, cannot spell, add simple mathematical equasions, or identify foreign nations on a world map, but have been brainwashed into believing that this New World Order is a workable system, when in reality it has proven to be a disastrous failure wherever it has been tried. The Berlin wall was not designed to keep people OUT of Eastern Europe, but to keep them IN. No God; no patriotism, shame for America and our way of life. Those are the primary reasons.

    B) The economy: Our politicians are trying to redistribute wealth like Stalin, Castro, and others have tried. They tax the working class and business owners heavily, giving this confiscated money to those who do not want to work, choosing to lie around smoking crack or selling drugs on the street. (Obama supporters) Naturally, the confiscatory tax rates drive businesses overseas, causing a further surge in U.S. unemployment, and even higher taxes on the middle class to make up for the loss.  

  5. Maybe the history of having the most vibrant economy on the world for decades by AVOIDING socialism slowed us down.

  6. Because, we as a society still believe in the American dream and that if we work hard and keep our nose to the grindstone we can still succeed, even though economically, educationally, and medically the cards are stacked against everyone in America except the people who are in the wealthiest 2% in America.

    We need to as a society realize that the American dream requires more action on our part than just working hard for someone else and allowing the government to continually only support the wealthy.

    The republicans use g*y marriage and abortion to get elected, if they actually did anything about it, people may start looking at their other policies.

    The democrats are not organized enough to get anything accomplished because the democrats still have alot of varying opinions within the party and this allows the unified GOP to shoot down any big changes they want to make.

  7. You are kidding, right? The economy is in a slump but make no mistake, the economy of the U.S. still drives every other economy in the world. There are individual states that have economies larger than that of most of the countries in the world. Canada would still be trapping beavers for their pelts if it weren't for us.

    As far as social issues are concerned, Canadian healthcare is inefficient and overrated (how many times did you watch that Micheal Moore propaganda?) Wealthy Canadians come to the U.S. for care. So the only thing that you wrote that was valid is that g*y marriages are not widely accepted yet. Yeah, good reason to live in another country.  

  8. The PNAC is not through restructuring our country.  Soon it will be third nation status with the rich in the top 5% with the poor in the remaining  95%.

  9. we have to many different walks of life in this country, everyone with their own beliefs and cultures. some people live alone and others live 10 people deep in a 1 bedroom apartment. so many different languages. its hard to please a small group of people, try pleasing the large amount we have now

  10. Personally, I blame rediculous websites like for the decline in our society.

  11. Thanks to the dumbing down provided by our public schools, the U.S. is also behind intellectually, too.

  12.   Ohhh yes certainly condoning rights such as g*y marriage will make the USA such a social and economic powerhouse.   I think it will magically happen like overnight! I can see the headlines now USA approves g*y Marriage and Socialist Universal Health Care !! The rest of the Socialist World Rejoices!  Dollar sky rockets to new heights ! Dow Jones tops 15000 !  YEAH! WOW !!!!!!!! LIFE IS GREAT!!! WE are a truly socialist country just like everyone else! WOW we are almost like the Europeans maybe we can join em! If they think we are good enough for em now!!----------Why is it some of you just want to be like everyone else just cant stand being an individual and standing on your own two feet for a change ?

  13. I don't use your examples are tipping points.

  14. g*y marriage will soon not be a major issue.

    Universal healthcare - - - - - why do you equate greater government control over the economy with economic progress, when historically more central control has always hampered the economy?

    Any Day Now hit the nail on the head re: the Fed.

  15. Your question is loaded with a priori assumptions.

    First off, the USA is far and away the world's econiomic leader.  At present Europe is facing econommic downturn, high inflation, and even recession.  The USA has NOT been in recession, despite all the talk about it.

    You are assuming that g*y marriage and universal healthcare are barometers of "social progress."

    Neither Canada nor Europe have "resolved" the g*y marriage issue.  I don't know how you are defining the term" resolve," but the USA has "resolved" the issue just as much as anyone else - see Massachusetts and other states which recognioze g*y marriage or domestic partnership in some form.

    And neither Canada nor Europe have "resolved" the health care issue.  Their health care systems are all facing MAJOR money problems (which is in part contributing to their lagging economies).

    Research a bit and then revisit the question.

    Unless this question is a goof to provoke liberals...

    Love jack

  16. Because we are tooo busy intrying to straighten out everyone else's issues like...Iraq & Afghanistan....why are we trying to clean up their counttries...when we are still facing poverty, inflation, and a host of othe things that should be addressed? We have to do better when choosing our leader....Its time for CHANGE....its time to get BRAK in office and do away with the same old sysytem that has been faling us for years!

  17. g*y Marriage is a non-issue.

    UHC is great if you are well, the US has the highest cancer survival rates of any nation on the planet.

    The Canadian dollar is worthe $0.93 US dollars.

    The EU is in a recession the US isn't.

    Why are you so ill-informed. Is it your poor Canadian education or are you just being fed lies.

  18. They do need to make g*y marriage legal, but I think a lot of people are afraid of socialism and don't want universal healthcare. Economically, the dollar has been trashed. The Federal Reserve keeps printing money out of thin air which increases the money supply with no gold to back it. Our dollar is pretty worthless right now. I think we should abolish the Federal Reserve because central banks are always evil. That was one reason our founding fathers came to America, to escape the evils of central banks.

  19. Economics change with the wind a year ago the US dollar was stronger and it will be again( it is equal to the Canadian Dollar now)

    Health care in Canadian is a joke. If you do not see it just get sick and you will.

    g*y marriage  is a fight over the word marriaged and that is all.

    One side marriage is a word meaning one man one woman and is based in religion not government.The other side wants to take marriage way from religion and make it controlled by government.

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