
Why is the United States supporting Georgia... ?????

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i know staunch US ally... iraq helper... yeah yeah...

but if you read all the information... georgia attacked the province without warning hours after calling for peace talks and cease fire....

and the georgian president did say it was not a coincidence that this happened during the opening ceremonies of the olympic games...

so how could their claim of russia violating cease fire... and them just reacting be true? it was after all a "massive offensive"

georgia if obviously the aggressor and human rights violator... killer thousands of civilians just to reclaim "their province"

their president sounds no better than hitler to me... and russia is a democracy last time i checked... the USSR collasped long ago...

isn't it obvious that georgia is just abusing the relationship it has with the US? would they have attacked "their province" full of russian citizens know that the US wouldn't help? after all we all know who would win if it was just georgia and russia in the ring...

why fall into georgia's plan... and waste our tax dollars?




  1. Because we don't like Russia?

    Also Georgia was trying to become a really democratic country, we like that in other countries.

  2. exacly i agree with the guy above me, its just anotehr breeze in the wind and will end soon enough

  3. its not going to come to all of that-dont worry. We arent going to go to war with the Russians over this. Both sides are our allies, we just have to sit back and hope they settle this soon.  

  4. .....lets see the Russian military sent their so called "peacekeepers" ONTO gEORGIAN SOIL AND THE gEORGIANS FIRED AT THE(witch they had the right to do) and the Russians are now usuing this as  a reason for an invasion and saying their forces are only peackeepers witch is bull peacekeepers only observe they don't launch military offensives......The EU,US and NATO have told Russia to back off it willl be instering to see what happens if they don't we may force them to stop....

    As for the people who say the Russians are invading to give the S.O. provance independance......does that give us the right to invade the Russian provance Abkhazia they want independance from Russia we should invade and see how they like it and if China back Russia does that give us the right to invade Tibet? they as well want independance.....Russia should watch what they do...

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