
Why is the White House colored white, and where/why did the name come about?

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Why is the White House colored white, and where/why did the name come about?




  1. I believe it used to be red actually until a fire

  2. The British set fire to it during the war of 1812.  Afterwards it was painted white to cover the burn marks.  It's been called the White House ever since.

  3. It was built to copy Greek revival architecture.During the war of 1812,the British looted and burned it.Up until the Administration of Teddy Roosevelt or slightly earlier,it was known as the "Executive Mansion".As our government is based on the way a business is run with a Chief Executive officer,Board of Directors and shareholders-investors.During Clinton's Presidency,all the paint was stripped off,revealing the burned and scorched wood from 1812.All the flooring and Foundation was replaced with steel girders in 1947 while Truman was in office.Only the outside is now original and it is painted white to imitate the Marble used in Greece.

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