
Why is the World trying to prove God wrong?

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I was just wondering why does man kind try to prove that there is no God., and the history of the bible is just fiction? Why are some many people willing to bet their souls on this issue.




  1. Because people are unwilling to be just mindless sheep to something that no one has proof exists.

    I'd rather be a Robin then a Sheep. Robins might not have the longest life, or the most glamorous, but at least we get to chose where we go, who we see. Sure there's a chance of a Hawk eating us, but at least we lived free.

    Sheep, on the other hand, end up on a dinner plate after a life of living in an enclosure, being herded by dogs that bite and Shepard's that don't care about use, so long as we're useful.

  2. Well, all the physical evidence does not agree with the Bible.  So, my question to you is, why are YOU willing to bet your soul on something that has no corroborative evidence at all?

  3. "history of the bible"

    that's laughable.

  4. its the nature of science to try to disprove old concepts to replace them with updated ones and i don't bet my soul on anything by being well educated  

  5. Because they do not understand what they are doing

  6. Some are just argumentative and close minded.  Some do not want anyone, including God, tell them what is right and what is wrong.

  7. there are many non believers.....thats why God says to enter by the narrow gate.......because the gate to h**l is wide and well traveled!

    Stay steadfast til the end!

    God says that He holds us in His hand and that no one can snatch us out!

    Praise be to our Almighty Father!

    with love..."D"

  8. take a good look at the nature and you can see there is NO designer,

    only a small planet in a huge huge universe to accomodate life,

    that waste of space is not a very good design is it?

  9. Because the history and myths of the bible ARE just fiction.  Religious delusion is dangerous to all of us, and the sooner the insanity ends, the better for everyone.

  10. Ok here's an analogy...

    Will you go over there and hug that cactus as hard as you can?

    We all know see the cactus over there but the question that was asked is one that no one seems to agree on.

  11. Most of us have grown up and realized that talking donkeys and snakes are faerie tales.

  12. Because it's true.

    There is no God.

    The bible is fiction.

  13. I think you give us way to much credit.  We certainly aren't' "the world".  Additionally science looks for explanations for natural phenomena.  It is not our fault if they find answers somewhere besides your god.

    P.S. Aren't you just a tiny bit paranoid about peoples souls.  There isn't even any evidence to suggest anyone has one.

  14. They have been hanging around friends who give them lies about religion and the Bible and they are stupid enough to go along with it.  If you spend enough time around the ungodly you start to believe them and you become like them.

  15. 11 September 2001

    I don't mind God, its his fan club that gives me the s***s

  16. It's in our nature to question.

    It's part of being human.

    Your God just happens to be one of our favorite subjects to question.

    As for the Bible... A collection of myths, allegories, and narrative histories of an ancient people isn't exactly what one could call "factual".

  17. You are betting your soul that Muhummed wasn't right.

  18. Never mind questioning god, I really have to question some of the so called christians on here. "The ungodly are stupid"? I was always told, by a good family friend - he's a minister actually, that christians are supposed to enlighten and entice all the non believers to god, So calling all of us stupid is not the way to go about it.

    I'm not saying I want christians trying to shove their religion so far down my throat that i suffocate but if all the 'Christians' on her actually were true christians in the follow the commandments etc Love thy neighbour way, would the world be a nicer place. And just for clarification that commandment is not literal - it means everyone.

    So I am willing to bet my soul on the non existence of a christian god because he cannot possibly exist because if he did then my soul would never be in question.  

  19. We aren't betting any soles. No soles to bet. It's obvious to some of us that bible is a fiction novel and there is no god. We are trying to show to religious people that we are not punished for non-believing and that many of us lead healthy, interesting, moral and purposeful lives without god. Why? Because religion in humans' hands is a weapon of mass destruction and a cause of mass psychosis. Just trying to make world a little less violent and ignorant but rather more peaceful and intelligent place to exist in.

  20. God tells us to remember that they hated Him first when we are persecuted for His namesake.  Satan wants people to believe God is a lie and that Jesus didn't die for our sins because he knows he is going to be chained up in h**l for all eternity and wants to take as many people with him as possible.

  21. The "believers" are doing a very good job disproving Him (or not giving substantial evidence for him)...

  22. I be my soul because you will take it as a huge gamble where if I lose I shall be reduced to a hollow shell but I can bet my soul because if I lose nothing happens  

  23. Do you still believe in Zeus, Poseidon, Odin, Thor, Vulcan and other gods from the past?  

    What makes your god any different?  Because there's a book that says it's true?  

    If there are hundreds and thousands of gods before and after yours that have no validity, chances are your god has none, too.  

  24. How can god be wrong when there is no god.  Proving people wrong that believe in a god is easy.

    If there is no god heaven or h**l then there is no risk.

  25. Betting souls??  YAY!!!  A Pascal's Wager question!


  26. They don't want God to be real because if He is they're accountable for their actions and CHOICES.

    The sin of the world lies in darkness and the light of God exposes that sin.

    There for there are consiquences for their actions and you just can't go on living life like that if God is real.

    But God is real no matter how hard they try to convince you or themselves.

    Luckily God loves all of us (even those who deny Him) that He provided us a way to escape those sins. Through His Son who suffered for them in our place if we would just accept that.

    We all need Jesus salvation because we are all sinners

  27. It's not.

    My, that was easy.

    PS: Why are you willing to bet your soul that all the other religions are just fictitious?

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