
Why is the amazon rainforest so hot and wet?

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Doing a geography preoject. Need detailed answers please.




  1. Have you ever really wondered about the beauty and the mystery of rainforests? Rainforests are those forests that are found in areas, which receive a high amount of rainfall. These rainforests differ as per their location. Those forests, which grow closer to the equator, are evergreen. This is because of the hot and wet climate. Rainforests that are seen in areas that experience a temperate climate are of the deciduous varieties. With the human interference, which destroys thousands of important and rare species of trees, these rainforests are facing a constant threat due to mankind. Once these rainforests face a major destruction, conserving the remainder portions of the rainforests is definitely no easy task. The need for people to be educated about the importance of rainforests is very much necessary in a time like this. Rainforests are home to some of the rare living species as well. All such species form an important chain in the ecological cycle. With deforestation, today thousands of species face the danger of being extinct and many have already disappeared from the scene. Let us check out some interesting facts about rainforests, which would give you an insight about their importance to mankind.

    Rainforest Facts:

    Rainforests are very dense because of the thick growth of plant life; this is due to the heavy rainfall and the kind of climate as well. When it rains, it is said that the drops of rain take around 10 minutes to reach the ground. This is because the upper canopy of the trees is very thick and dense. This is what extends the duration for the raindrops to reach the ground of the forest area.

    At one time, rainforests covered around 14% of the Earth’s surface. Today, with the destruction of the rainforests, only 6% is covered by the rainforests.

    Rainforests are found all over the world in areas of Alaska, Asia, Africa and Canada etc.

    One of the highest rate of destruction happened in between 1960-1980. This is when Asia lost most of it forest cover.

    Did you know that around 1/3 of most species of birds live in the rainforest?

    We all know that sloths are associated with being lazy. It is said that in some moist areas of the rainforests of South America, algae grown on the fur of most sloths!

    Deforestation is major issue today. The results of deforestation can be alarming if you consider what experts have to say. It is believed that nearly half of the species of plants, microorganisms and animals are severely threatened due to deforestation. Therefore the need to protect it would be really necessary.

    Around 56,000 square miles of natural forests are lost each and every year.

    There are particular factors that result in the rainforests being home to all species of plant and animal life. The rainforests are known to maintain a constant temperature of 80 degrees F and the kind of heavy rainfall they receive can range from 160-400 inches per year. These weather conditions help all sorts of living organisms flourish out here.

    Around 2,000 species of butterflies are found in the rainforests.

    The common reasons for the destruction of rainforests happen when man interferes into this area. Fires, the use of chainsaws and bulldozers to fell the trees cause maximum damage to the rainforests.

    The rainforests not only have a wide variety and rare species of plant and animal life, around 80% of the flowers which are found in the Australian rainforests are not found anywhere else in the whole world.

    The Amazon Rainforest is also known as the ‘Lungs of our Planet’. This is because it produces more than 20% of the world’s oxygen by recycling the carbon dioxide, which is in the atmosphere.

    Here’s one more fact about rainforests- a four square mile patch of this area can house many things; more than you can imagine! There are around 1500 flowering plants, 750 species of trees and around 400 species of birds.

    Did you know that many medicines that are sold worldwide have some sources, which are taken from plants? Most have extracts from species that are found in the rainforests.

    I am hoping these rainforest facts will help you realize the importance of their existence on Planet Earth. Let’s hope each one shoulder’s some responsibility towards restoring back the green cover on our planet.

  2. Because it just saw a Shakira video.....

  3. geographical location and snow and ice in the clouds

    enhanced by precipitation from below

    look where the equator is ,and you will see why it is hot

    the wet comes from the abundant growth itself ,and from the Mountain snow and Glaziers

    Wet always is below very high mountains,the melting ice producing rivers .

    add the sun to that and we got rain forests.these give of a lot of steam ,and cause clouds which in turn, rain back onto the jungles below

  4. It's hot because it is near the equator and wet because it rains all the time.

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