
Why is the american flag patch on the US men's baseball team reversed ???

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if you look the star Field that should all ways be displayed on the upper left is on the right on there uniforms on the US men's baseball team????




  1. On uniforms it's supposed to represent as if you were running carrying a flag over your head.  Imagine the person was carrying two flags and each was moved from over the head to the arms on the uniform.  It's supposed to be one flag on the uniform with the wearer's heart inside the flag, so you have to picture it as the other side of the flag that looks the "right" way on the left arm.

    I know that's not the clearest explanation, but that is what it represents.

  2. When a flag is worn the stripes are to be placed closest to there hart.  It is the same with the military.  But with the military I like to think it shows bravery.  Because they are running into battle so the flag is blown on the wind.

  3. wrong, the star field is worn on the upper right to make it look like the flag is blowing in the wind while marching forward. always advancing and never retreating.

  4. If the Flag patch is on the right sleeve, the concept is the star field would be in the front to show forward motion.  Think about a flag on a pole, the stripes follow the stars in a forward march as they are the loose end.  if the Flag is on the left sleeve, same concept, Blue Field facing forward...would put it in the upper left corner.

  5. Are you taking mirroring into account?

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