
Why is the bigfoot body found so hard to believe?

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I don't get what the big deal is? They found the body didn't they? So why doesnt anyone believe it? I'm trying to get both sides of the story here cuze I can't decide...Someone please help me out.




  1. I read that the people were reluctant to unveil their evidence, and the parts they had unveiled were less than compelling. The photo was inconclusive.

    But on a common sense playing field:

    why do so many people, to borrow an X-Files phrase, end up wanting to believe?

    What would it do if there were a Bigfoot and we dissected it and found it was some ape or sloth or whatever. The whole process would demystify the legendary creature, and people would lose interest. But, for a few minutes of fame, someone would pull another hoax and find Bigfoot or see him.

    Now, realistically, it is improbable that all these sitings and findings over many years are about the same creature rather than many individual animals (even people) that have been mistaken for something they are not.

    Perception is a strange thing: when I have been extraordinarily tired, I have mistaken familiar sights for uncanny things, only because I was surprised. When I refocused, I found out the strange lights were from a plane, or a lamp with tree branches whipping about it not some E.T..

    The big deal is that people are more easily confused and bamboozled in the era of graphic manipulation and the proliferation of "home-video news" ala you-tube, so that a high degree of skepticism is necessary; especially because they want to believe, caution should be exercised around evidence for topics near and dear to the public imagination, because the temptation is to play fast and loose with the facts that might fit ones faith, rather than the other way around as it should be.

  2. Because of the simple fact that Science does not want to admit it that 10 million species of animals have eluded them and are unknown and in hiding, only 2 million species of animals have been discovered, and there is 10 million more out there..Enough to suopport large animals like the Loch Ness Monster, Sasquatch, Giant Octopus, Champ, and many more unknown creatures.

  3. Because the DNA test did not confirm it.  

  4. Because it's not a bigfoot.

    And they refuse to allow anyone to have access.  They dole out samples that turns out to NOT be bigfoot.

    "I've got something spectacular! But I will control access to it, and you will never have a chance to see it fully. Why don't  you believe me?"

  5. It is so hard to believe because everytime someone claims to have proof it turns out to be more BS. I am sure most of us want to believe in bigfoot, ghosts, and other fantasy things. Unless there is more concrete proof and less hoax's, everytime someone claims to find something your first reaction should be "I will believe it when I see it".  

  6. It was determine that it was a Halloween costume.

    This was released to Fox News today by Tom Biscardi's Team, because Fox News was invited by Tom Biscardi to view the autopsy of the body.,2933,4061...

  7. Anyone who is willing to sue claiming they were hoodwinked about believing he was actually in existence is clinically insane. If no one has seen an 8-foot man gorilla in this amount of time, you should take a step back and examine the facts, realize he doesn't exist; if you are still not convinced, see a psychiatrist.  

  8. The credibility of the people who claim to have found it is less than reputable.

  9. I'd like to know what the source of your claim that they found the body of Big Foot.

    Why is it so hard to believe, if true?

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    Since I get quite a few scientific journals including the Biological and Zoological worlds, I haven't noticed a single article that confirms the story about this breath-taking discovery which would rock the zoological and anthropological world.

    Where did you get this information anyway? Helda the old lady next door, The National Enquirer, the local newspaper?

    Let's see if I can locate the source online. Wait a sec.

    I'm back.  Here's a possible source which names the discovers and the place: Georgia.

    When this is confirmed in a prestigious journal like the following: Folia Primatologica: International Journal of Primatology or anything from the American Anthropological Association's publications I'll believe it.

    There is nothing innately impossible about Big Foot's existence. However, my sneaky little suspicion is a couple of American wankers desirious of fame and fortune are perpetrating another Piltdown type hoax.

    They know that even if serious anthopologists and zoologists are permitted to examine the evidence and take DNA samples and X-ray the body and use an MRI to map the internal structure and declar it a hoax, some in the public will still believe anyway.

    However, there is a possibility they might prove it to be genuine, which will rock the scientific community, something I love to see happen.

    Here's a more cautious website Live Science:

    So basically, the wise will take an agnostic stance. Don't know, wait and see what conclusions the scientific community comes up with since it would be impossible or difficult to analyse the foul beastie myself.

    Even the first report which was rather positive had the rather ominous words "...if the scientists will even be permitted to examine the body instead of just view photographs of it..."

    That's a BIG if indeed.

    It's like the infamous Fairy Photographs that conned of all people Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but not Houdini. In the absense of a live fairy or the body of a dead one, a photograph doesn't mean squat and the fact that the negative wasn't tampered with doesn't mean squat either. A bright person can create and elaborate fake, as often the case in movies, without altering negatives.

    The Dept. of Mathematics at my Alma Mater in the UK created a most unbelievable photographic hoax that boggles the mind. Those who know the famous Escher Cube like in the following image will be surprised to know we made a "real" one and photographed it.

    [Goddamn! What an humongous address!]

    The Math Dept. created a real honest to God box made of wood that when photographed from the right angle would appear exactly like Escher's Impossible Box.  No negative teampering either.

  10. It was a hoax.

  11. Because they are proven hoaxsters.  Their story didn't add up and they were evasive about letting people see the body.  Then DNA tests proved they were liars.  Those two guys just wanted publicity and some easy money.  

    I wanted to believe a body was found, too.  But, it just didn't happen this time.  

  12. You mean the Georgia bigfoot, right? I live in Georgia and I can tell you that the only monsters I've seen down here were eating at "Cracker Barrel".  

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