
Why is the blu ray technology so expensive?

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where are my china bootlegs?




  1. Blu ray uses a blue laser which are more difficult to make (lower yield), so thay are still expensive.

    Blu ray also uses better copy protection technology.

  2. The price of Blu-Ray is kept artificially high by the few manufacturers who make Blu-Ray players so they can rape the public. Aside from the blue laser required to read the disks (about $10 more than a red laser at wholesale prices) there is not much difference between Blu-Ray and any other optical disk format.

    Rather than trying to get Blu into as many hands as they can Sony is attempting to play the "elite" game. At first they had some real competition (and a better unit)  with HD-DVD but by paying out right bribes to the studios to buy support the Blu-Ray consortium ($5,000,000 in the case of WB!) bought and payed for studio support. Since there are only a few manufacturers they can keep the price extremely high. The disks themselves (which cost the same to duplicate as any other disk 5-7 cents per) are also very expensive.

    They tried to do the same thing with Betamax and you know where that ended up even though Beta was a Superior format.

    I understand there are going to be one or two more manufacturers entering the Blu-Ray market soon. That should help. You should see player prices dropping to the $200-$250 range after Christmas 2008.

    Personally I am convinced Sony bribed Toshiba to get out of the market and pull HD-DVD off the shelves but I have no proof of this. However the speed with which Toshiba withdrew is suspect to say the least.

    There are no bootlegs because at this point there are less than 2 million households with Blu-Ray players. The market is simply not large enough for them to bother with it compared to 100 million SD DVDs.

  3. Sony has managed to keep a tight reign on the technology to produce Blu-Ray discs, on top of that Blu-Ray blanks are still expensive. Domestic Chinese manufactures have been looking at other HD standards for the home market, so Blu-Ray may never take off there, which would mean a lack of Bootlegs here.

    Besides do you really need Shakey Cam bootlegs in 1080i?

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