
Why is the car making whistling noise when stepped on gas?

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Recently I changed the rear brakes and rotors and I am 95% sure that since then when I step on gas pedal I am hearing this whistling noise from left rear wheel side. Noise is fine and high pitch/sort of squeaky - like when steel and coin rub together. As long as I put pressure on gas pedal I hear the noise and when I release pressure there is no noise. What can I suspect?

It is a BMW 323i. I got the brake job done in Sears. So I think they used OEM parts. I took to Sears again today and the technician tightened the screws and stuff - he did not find anything unusual it seems. He found a circle being drawn on rotor and thought that there is a high tension in brake pad and rubbed it with sand paper. Still no use.

Even without having to do anything with brakes I would appreciate any pointers to check.




  1. Here is what that FLUNKY did to your car. When installed the new pads, he slipped up between the new pads and the rotor, a small piece of metal chip, like a STAR LOCK WASHER. This will distroy your rotors and pads, and back you go for another enormious bill.

       That mechanic new what he was doing, and SEARs is notorious for the kind of ""GET-EM BACK IN QUICK SERVICE.

    Listen to me ,...take that bimmer to your bmw dealer, tell him what you did, and what you think they did in retiurn, and ask for there help, and to return to you all the filings they get out of the pad/rotor assembly.

       Once you get the material do to your DMV, and tell them what has happened and they wuill take you by the HAND back to SEARs, and get all your money back, and file sanctions on SEARS, like you never has seen in your life.

      Don't let them get AWAY with this. You were WRONGED, and the know it. So now its time for the good guys to give right back to them.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. It sounds like you might have a wheel bearing going out.  It will just need to be greased and you will be fine.

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