
Why is the chinese government such an as*hole?

by  |  earlier

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and the people too on the handling of tibet, the olympics, press freedom...




  1. your question is so ridiculous i was laughing at it. you sound like some teenager asking why your pocket money has been cut.

    you want to know why? they had EXAMPLES to learn from. i'm not pinpointing any particular country , by the way. and china has always been lorded over and humiliated by the west. in my opinion, their attitudes now are really justified. if someone abuses you and wants to try and be friends after that, would you accept the person with open arms or give him a big slap on the face? from your use of COARSE language, my guess is that you'll do the latter.  

  2. Same can be said to any goverment... take USA for an example Iraq situation... the UK Gordon Brown situation

    As for Tibet it has always been part of China: since the Han Dynasty, Ming and Qing except for the time during the war. If you think about it people don't understand that China spends 200 million US$ on improving Tibet (i.e. schools, hospitals, etc.) and then you get Tibetans rising against you how would you feel?

    The Olympics helloo have you read the news lately they've spent 21 billion £ just to make the games perfect how can they be as*holes for trying to make it perfect with no interuptions. Imagine you hosting a party then someone crashes it and ruins it all....

    Press Freedom... you forget it is a communist country what do you expect...

  3. Tibet is Chinese Tibet, not American Tibet!

  4. they will say the same thing about us concerning the Iraq war, the annexation of Hawaii, the treatment of Puerto Rico, and why we have more African American men in prison than in universities. The Chinese will also ask why we have so many drive by shootings

  5. You mean comparing to the US government that invaded Iraq for oil??

  6. suggest you look in the mirror.

  7. *yawn how's the weather today? anything new?  

  8. Simply because some but not all of the government have the power to be such a**holes.

    You have to understand that in rural areas there Beijing watchful eye can't always be present a lot of corruption happens.

    Half the things that happen in the rural areas simply do not happen in the cities.

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