
Why is the constitution important?

by  |  earlier

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so i need to write a page long paper on how the constitution is if anyone has a paper they have writen before on the constitution that would be awesome right about now...or if someone just wants to show their geniusness off then write the paper. : ) thanks everyone. : )




  1. A page?  I don't mean to sound like someones dad, but I can't help it.  A page is nothing.  Do the work, you might learn something.  That's the point of the assignment and school in general.   C'mon, you'll be proud of yourself.

  2. Check the link & read it yourself. It's not that long. & you'll be a leg up on your fellow students.

    The Constitution is important because it is the foundation of the government of the United States of America.

  3. The constitution is an ancient document once used by a great civilization.  Unfortunately, it isn't followed anymore.  The original founders were deathly afraid of a large centralize government which is EXACTLY what we have now.

    Maybe Iraq could use our Constitution since we don't need it anymore.

  4. The constition is important for a great number of reasons

    primarily because it was the document that founded our goverment, it was the basis of what would form the United States

    and amazingly

    because it was so well crafted that here we are over 200 years later

    and we are still using the exact same document to run our country

    the constitition is important because it outlines all of our rights as citizens.  It gives a complete list of all the things that we can do, and the rights that we have.

    The constition, and its ammendments protects us, it protects us from each other, and it protects us from our own governement, it protects us from wrongful prosecution, incriminating ourselves, our right to speech, our right to bear arms, our right to freedom of religion.

    The constitition isn't just important, it is the MOST important document ever crafted in American History, and the one document that affects every single citizen within the United States every single day.   When you practice the religion of your choice, thank the founding fathers....  When you say whatever is on your mind without fear of having your tongue ripped out or having your head chopped off, thank the founding fathers....

    was that enough info?

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