
Why is the devil always seen as the bad guy?

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I mean he didn't really do anything wrong? He wanted to be so much like god that in the end he wanted to be even better than god.

Then god gets annoyed and sends him to h**l for trying to be better than him. Paranoid or what?

So now that the devil is in h**l...after being sent there by punishment...why would he eternally torment the people who turned away from god and ''sinned''? Surely they're on his side, so wouldn't he be like:

''Hey you think the dude upstairs sucks too right? Oh cool lets go drink beer for the rest of eternity!''

It's just logic really, 'The enemy of your enemy is a friend' seems appropriate.




  1. The way you say it makes sense.

    The devil wants to take down as many as he can because his time is limited

  2. Are you for real?

  3. Read the Bible and you'll understand.

  4. so that god would get away with evil

    edit: The bible has God murdering babies, killing families, genocide, mass-murder, drowning and all-sorts but these are OK as God does them but these are evil things

  5. According to the scriptures (dig them out for yourself, if you are genuinely interested). The Devil plotted war against God and with 1/3 of the angels warred with other angels.

    God held a trial of sorts and the Devil was found guilty, and sentenced to the lake of fire forever. In various scriptures the Devil is called the father of liars, and a murder.

    Now, believing or not is up to the individual.

    C.S. Lewis wrote a book called the Screwtape Letters wherein it was noted that if the Devil can convince people he does not exist, he has won a soul, so to speak.

    Voltaire I believe it was said that there was no cost in believing in God, so believing to him made sense.

    As for me, I say to each his or her own views and beliefs. As for me, I realise that all the business about the Devil, Christ (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved), that one, and all the other stufff we hear about from within the Christian traditions may have merit. Equally, in terms of sheer logic none makes sense. Even the Bible covers that one with the notion that it take regeneration and a human spirit to understand the scriptures.

    It comes down to the idea that only upon death can anyone know for certain. In the present it comes down to individual decisions and individual beliefs. If nothing else it makes for a good story and way to scare little children, and the child in many of us adults.

  6. I am pretty sure that nowhere in the Bible it actually says the Devil wanted to be God.

    I mean, it is usually taken that the Dragon from Revelation is the same guy as Ha-Satan from, for instance, the book of Job, and the tempter from the Gospels. But this is in no way certain.

    It's just the human way of seeing patterns, even if there aren't any.

    It's because a hero is measured by his enemies... God needed an awful enemy. It's also partly based on Zoroastrianism.

    Also, the Bible NEVER says Satan will torture people in h**l... supposedly, Satan WILL be tortured in h**l along with everybody else who does not obey God.

    Because, apparently, God thinks that everybody that does not obey him should be tortured.

  7. Over time, some how, because h**l is referred to as eternity in pain and such.. they assume satan is bad.

    People don't ask questions and accept that answer and get along with their lives...

    It's sad, really.

  8. Satan (Hebrew) = Adversary (Bad Guy!)

    The story goes he was thrown out of heaven, not into h**l. h**l is the punishment at the end.

    And it was for arrogant disobediance in refusing the command of God to bow, not that he was any threatr to the authority of God.

    h**l is the punishment at the end.

  9. Didn't do anything wrong? Didn't he build an army and try to wage a war against God? And spend the next who knows how many millennia trying to tempt the human race to kill and do other bad things?  

  10. He is not the bad guy to a demon  

  11. Ahhhh, mainly because he IS THE BAD GUY.And as far as " Hey , you think the Dude upstairs sucks too, right?" Well, the Kingdom of God is NOT a democracy. Read"KINGDOM!!"  Things in the Kingdom do NOT get decided by a panel of well read and thoughtful people who , well , might disagree with Him and get Him to back down on the rules. Just to get a basic grip on the power and intelligence of Our Lord, try this on for size: has anyone on this planet been able to make out of thin air and their iron will, so much as a blade of grass? A resounding "NO!!" Saudi oil barons with their billions , Ted Turner ,T.Boone Pickens, none of these powerful people can come close to that kind of power. It turns out , the Devil is really a slippery fellow ,and small , seemingly inconsequensal deviations from doing the right thing stack up and in the end , lets the Devil bring us down to a ton of suffering ,maybe even eternally.I'm not being a wise guy here , but if you read up on the issues , you'll get a much clearer picture on the Devil  and how he can do you in. Also you'll get a view on the overwhelming power ,       the love and forgiveness of the Lord, and the best part is ,He's on YOUR side!

  12. STAX, the guy is asking an intelligent question.

    If there were a h**l and a devil and you got sent there for being bad, that would make you and the devil friends. You both disliked god and would have a lot in common.

    So why would the devil give you a hard time if you were on his side?

    It's all semantics though because none of it exists.

  13. The devil is always seen as the bad guy because i suppose he is the opposite to god. However, he is just a spirit and unless everything you do in life is a sin then u have nothin to worry about

  14. You are right!!! the devil does want to be like GOD...

    In fact...The DEVIL is!!! GODS negitive personality...This is the truth( sorry christians)

       there is so much to explain here...I will just give the basics,cause I am tired...

       Everything has a positive side, and a negitive side...agree???

    So does GOD

       There is MAN (positve)

       There is WOMEN (negitive)



       concious vs. sub-concious

       Everyone doubts themselves at one time or another ...this is the sub-concious wrestling with the concious...this is who GOD is, Just like us.

    Even God sometimes has a tough time decideing what is bad and what is good...(Eve was the one who picked the apple)...that is what the person who wrote this understood...that their are two main sides to everything...pos.& neg.

       What GOD did, was cast his negitive side out of himself and thus, there is the DEVIL...

       They just do not agree on all things...( thats the truth)

    Seeing that there is only one GOD; he would have to divide himself into two( that explains that)...

        Money is the DEVILS favorite thing...LOVE is GODS favorite thing...they do have differences, granted...

       But the DEVIL likes the wild, greedy,only concern ones self ( type of life) and GOD feels LOVE and careing for eachother ( type of life)

    I prefer GOD because all he asks for is LOVE...And the DEVIL; well; he wants more of people to be his pawns( slaves) to fullfill his pleasures (entertainment (kind of))...The Devil will not rescue you from a tragedy, but GOD would risk his life to save someone...

       It all depends on the feelings and care people have for eachother...

    The devil may be the life of the party; but will he stop you from going out and killing someone in a car accident? NO! he will not...To each his own I guess... But as for GOD... YES...he would make sure you made it home okay, and without doing harm to anybody...

    Do you see what I mean yet???  positive and way or an other; its up to ones self...

       WE; humans are able to experience both, but who do you want for the long run...

       Pleeese ; discover that there is much more out there in the universe than ones own fullfillment...

  15. Jesus Christ referred to him as being “the ruler of the world,” the one whom mankind in general obeys by heeding his urgings to ignore God’s requirements. (John 14:30; Eph. 2:2) The Bible also calls him “the god of this system of things,” who is honored by the religious practices of people who adhere to this system of things.—2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Cor. 10:20.

    When endeavoring to tempt Jesus Christ, the Devil “brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time; and the Devil said to him: ‘I will give you all this authority and the glory of them, because it has been delivered to me, and to whomever I wish I give it. You, therefore, if you do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.’” (Luke 4:5-7) Revelation 13:1, 2 reveals that Satan gives ‘power, throne and great authority’ to the global political system of rulership. Daniel 10:13, 20 discloses that Satan has had demonic princes over principal kingdoms of the earth. Ephesians 6:12 refers to these as constituting ‘governments, authorities, world rulers of this darkness, wicked spirit forces in heavenly places.’

    No wonder that 1 John 5:19 says: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” But his power is only for a limited period of time and is only by the toleration of Jehovah, who is God Almighty.

       Satan’s design to keep people blind involves his use of false religion. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Man was created by God with the need to keep in touch with his Creator by means of worship. Satan has deflected this instinct by appealing to selfishness and promoting ignorance of pure religion. To accomplish his purpose he “keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14) As a result of such deception, humans engage in thousands of different kinds of false religion.

       All false religion is actually a product of Satan, for Paul stated: “The things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God.” Jesus said: “He that is not on my side is against me, and he that does not gather with me scatters.” Furthermore, Christ allowed no room for interfaith, but said: “No one comes to the Father except through me.”—1 Corinthians 10:20; Matthew 12:30; John 14:6.

      Satan exploits man’s curiosity regarding the occult and the condition of the dead. By such totally unscriptural devices as talking with the dead, or spiritism, fortune-telling, astrology and black magic, he has ensnared countless numbers. In fact, today there is an ever-increasing interest in such things. This has gone to such an extreme that some are actually worshiping the Devil himself.—Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:26; 20:6; Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

    Satan succumbed to the temptation of pride. Accordingly, he awakened in Eve a proud, selfish desire to be like the Most High God, and thus he succeeded in turning our first parents away from the worship of Jehovah God. Satan doubtless used a similar approach with Cain. Noticing how chagrined Cain was because his brother Abel received divine approval, the Devil could fan that chagrin into murderous envy.—Genesis 4:3-8; 1 John 3:11, 12.

       Throughout the history of humankind, Satan has been able to use as tools those who are proud—such men as Nimrod, the Pharaoh of Egypt in Moses’ day and Assyrian King Sennacherib. (Genesis 10:8-12; Exodus 5:2; Isaiah 36:7-10, 16-20) Today Satan holds multitudes in his grasp through pride: pride of race, pride of nationality, pride of education, pride of social status, and so forth. All of this serves the Devil’s purpose by causing people to turn a deaf ear to God’s message.

    Another device Satan uses to ensnare humans is materialism, greed, love of money, pride of possession. Thereby he ensnared the clergy of Jesus’ day who were greedy money lovers. (Luke 16:14) An especially notorious example of Satan’s using greed to ensnare is that of Judas Iscariot. Not only did he become a greedy thief but greed was a factor in Judas’ betrayal of his Master. That his mind was bent in that direction is indicated by his protest at Mary’s greasing of Jesus’ feet with costly oil. (John 12:4-6; Matthew 26:14-16) How careful we should be that Satan does not overreach us by the lure of materialistic greed

    Another device of Satan is his appealing to the craving for pleasurable excitement. Young Christians are particularly vulnerable to this snare. Often, they go all out for various kinds of sports, both as observers and as participants. But this could cause them to become “lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.” (2 Timothy 3:4) With other youths the craving for excitement turns to forms of music and song that foster immorality and violence. Surely, there is great need for caution, for such things can lure young Christians away from the path of rectitude and virtue.—Psalm 16:11; 2 Peter 2:20-22.

      We must “stand firm against the machinations of the Devil,” against his devices, his strategems and his tactics. (Ephesians 6:11) Ther

  16. Is that you Lucifer?  

  17. Don't take religion too seriously.

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