
Why is the dnc cancelled?

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the convention is in minnesota which is close to canada and the hurrican is in the gulf of mexico. that doesnt add up to why it's cancelled.




  1. DNC was last week...

    RNC was postponed.

  2. To begin with the DNC was in Denver and it was last week. This week it is the RNC in Minneapolis and it has not been canceled so get your facts straight. The reason why it has been scaled back at least on Monday is due to the hurricane in the Gulf and the fact that many of the delegates from the affected states are those in State Government (e.g. Governors, State Senators, State Representatives, and various other agencies). While they may prefer to be at the convention their duty to the public requires that they return to address the issues created by the hurricane and its aftereffects. For the RNC it means since they do not have all of their delegates some of their work needs to be scaled back to accomodate those who had to leave and address the damage left by a natural disaster.  

  3. It's not the's the RNC... and the reason is simple. The RNC is a formality -- more of a 'party' to formally unveil the candidates for that year's elections.  Bush and the rest of the Republican party decided it would be in the nation's best interest (in particular those in the Gulf Coast region) if they spent their time in relief efforts, monitoring the storm, etc.. In other words, they decided to put their country first, and their party second ...  

  4. Please get facts straight. The RNC opening day program was shortened (not cancelled) so that McCain could be briefed on the hurricane situation, and delegates from those areas could return home and be sure their families and communities are safe.

    It's not "cheating" and it does "add up." If all had gone on as planned, they would have been criticized for not tending to emergency matters. Now that they changing the schedule so the emergency takes precedence, they're taking flak for that.

    I suppose if McCain wins the election, the libs will be screaming "They cheated! They moved the convention closer to the election!" At least one person is already spouting that nonsense.

  5. 2YouTo: How is it cheating, getting the convention closer to the election. If that will loose you the election, then you probably would have lost anyway.

  6. It's been scaled back on the opening day due to concerns about fellow americans in the path of the storm. It's the right thing to do and it shows that the republicans have the interestes of ALL the people before the election.

    ToYou2: What is the brand of whacky-tobaccy that you're on?? How does this fool the American people? Oh yea, we just created the storm in our secret ocean labratory, just to target those unfortunate souls down in N.O. Honestly, you are pathetic !!!!!

    Barometer: Do you and 2u2 have the same dealer in weed??? Amazing what the degenerate liberals will dream up when they sit down to plot the overthrow of the country. Take another hit, man!!

  7. The DNC was in Denver last week.  It's already over.  I think you are referring to the RNC.  The Republicans are cancelling certain events because they don't want to look like they are partying it up while thousands to millions of Americans are suffering in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

  8. To toyou2, Oh come on, that is bullsh*t. Don't you think it seems wrong to have this great celebration while people could be dying due to a natural disaster, or is your moral compus just so messed up from the liberal kool-aid that that doesn't even seem like a reason, just an excuse to cheat? Honestly, I would find it wrong to be a big Presidential Candidate, having this joyess celebration while americans are dying, just imagine yourself in their shoes, in the situations there in, and you might understand ones moral reasoning.

  9. DNC is over. The first day was cancelled...there could be many reasons for this. Bush not being there I put high on the list.

    The official line is that McCain wants focus on the impending storm. Fair enough. But I still think it's a big win for McCain to avoid the poison of Bush at his convention

  10. The Republicans are afraid that the Gustav story could divert America's attention away from the RNC - that is the real disaster they are hoping to avoid.  Pretty slimy and pathetic.  Shows that they can't even conduct their business 2000 miles away when something else is in the news.

  11. Just to correct you on a minor error:  it's the RNC.  All the talk of the DNC in the media and on here, I can see why you probably typed that in error...

    Anyway, it hasn't been canceled, but the first day has been shortened because John McCain stated in an interview this evening that he doesn't want the same mistakes that went on during Katrina.  He is going down there to assess the damage apparently.  

  12. Ahem, smoking some weed eh! It is the RNC, it is not cancelled, they

    curtailing it to what is legally required for the time being so those affected can address the situation with their constituents.

  13. The RNC was postponed so they can try to have another one closer to the election -- the cheats!

    There was absolutely no reason to postpone it except that they want to fool Americans again, and they failed so bad at the Katrina Hurricane that they don't want you to remember that.

    I do and so do the rest of intelligent Americans.

    Republicans don't care about the US.  Only the THEM.

    Don't let them cheat.  Make them hold their Convention NOW

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